Baby Yoda, Coffee, and toilet paper

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Ahsoka: so I want to know guys

Tup: know what?

Jesse: if you want to know who ate the last brownie, it wasn't me

Dogma: tell that to the security footage

Rex: what do you want to know Ahsoka?

Ahsoka: a while back you mentioned of how Fives's speeder bike got clogged with applesauce. It had something to do with baby Yoda, coffee, and toliet paper. I'd like to hear the rest of this story.

Fives: ah, that story

Echo: well let's just say it was crazy

Kix: VERY crazy. I still can't believe it even happened

Hardcase: I can't believe that no one told me about this secret stash of cheetos under the bathtub

Jesse: like he said, that was secret

Ahsoka: lol

Rex: so the story started like this;

Fives: wait! I think I should be the one to explain what happened first because it was my speeder bike that got clogged with applesauce

Echo: ...but it wasn't really yours because you stole it

Fives: whatever. It all started one day out on the battlefield. Everyone was fighting,

Tup: except Domga. He was drinking coffee

Dogma: what? I litterly can't function without it

Kix: so then we won the battle

Jesse: obviously!

Rex: and so then we were taking a break, when I noticed Jesse, Hardcase and Fives were missing

Tup: actually I was the one to notice. It was odd without anyone pranking or scaring me

Rex: so we looked all around, and we couldn't find them anywhere

Echo: they were full on M.I.A

Ahsoka: what were you guys doing?

Hardcase: I was going to ride my tricycle to the dollar store to buy a new rubber duckie, but then Jesse and Fives stopped me

Fives: because we found a separatist headquarters

Jesse: I thought it was a barn at first, lol

Hardcase: so then they dragged me all the way there!

Jesse: we checked the place out, half way expecting to find some creepy droid

Ahsoka: did you?

Rex: no, they found something much worse

Fives: we found bikes

Jesse: speeder bikes

Hardcase: it would be weird if there were just regular bikes there

Echo: ...yeah

Ahsoka: so how did it get clogged with applesauce?

Fives: well first we looked around, and then we decided to steal the speederbikes

Jesse: I mean we killed all the droids, so it's not really stealing, right?

Kix: -facepalm-

Tup: ...I don't think that's how it works

Hardcase: so we were looking around, and I saw this!

Hardcase: so we were looking around, and I saw this!

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