The 200

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Braidzella: This is it guys. The big 200

Ahsoka: That means over 200 crazy tales with us

Obi Wan: Some, that are even too unbelievable to be true

Braidzella: So what should we do? We need something epic, hilarious- Hardcase! Fives! Jesse! Would you please stop spinning in those chairs!

Fives: Sorry! What were we doing in your shed again?

Braidzella: It's not a shed- look, I even have a window

Fives: Sheds can have windows

Jesse: Is that a sarlacc pit out there?

Braidzella: Don't worry about it. Anyway, is everyone here?

Ahsoka: Yep. Except for Anakin

Rex: Do we even want to know what he's doing

Braidzella: Probably not

Suddenly the door bursts open and Anakin enters

Anakin: The Chosen one had arrived!

Braidzella: Please, take a seat

Tup: Why is there pudding all over you?

Anakin: Word of advice: don't try to teach a Sarlacc Pit tricks

Obi Wan: -sighs-

Braidzella: So what've we got? I need some good ideas for the big 200

Jesse: Oh! What if, it was a parody of The Clone Wars, but we were all farmers!

Kix: ...Why farmers?

Jesse: I've always wanted to be one...

A long time ago, on a farm far far away...

Ahsoka: Master! I lost my hoe in the hay pile again!

Obi Wan: Ahsoka, what did I tell you about losing your hoe! A Jedi never-

Anakin: Yeah, yeah, it's our life. Can't farm a farm without it. Watch me do a triple flip into the hay pile!

Obi Wan: Anakin no-

Jesse: General! The clankers! They've attacked our field again!!

Tup: And they've stolen our tomatoes! -Sobs-

Dogma: They're worse than Jabba the green tomato worm...

Fives: It was Grevious. He's on his way here now.

Rex: Men!!! Get ready! And Hardcase, no eating the grenades again

Hardcase: But they taste so good!

Fives: Its not our fault the only ammo we have is blueberries and apples

Rex: Fill your buckets, then lets go

General Grevious approaches them, riding in a wheelbarrow with some clankers pushing him

Clanker: I sure didn't sign up for this...

General Grevious: General Kenobi....your hoe will make a fine addition to my collection!

Obi Wan: Oh, I don't think so

-Obi Wan lays his hat down and engages in combat with Grevious

Jesse: For the harvest!!!! AHHH!!!!!!

Back in real life:


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