the singles

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Lux: I might be single now.. But I'll get a girl soon!

Saw gerara: speak for yourself, Bonatari.

Ventress: how did I even get here?

Savage: oh, I did that. You are single, right?

Ventress: that's not any of your buisness, horn head!

Savage: I'm telling my brother on you!

Maul: just leave me alone, savage. I only want to get revenge on Kenobi, not a girlfriend!

Fives: so... This is a weird chat.

Barriss: yeah. Unfortunately, my dearest love was taken by my bff

Lux: so what did you do?

Barriss: I framed her for bombing the Jedi temple.

Shak Ti: uh, that's harsh girl.

Fives: wait... Does that mean that Barriss Offee has a crush on Rex?!?!

Lux: that stupid clone that stole my girl?!

Barriss: no.. Okay maybe.


Echo: woah, calm down man.

Dogma: I have a butcher knife under my bed... if you want it.

Grivious: wth guys

Dooku: oh get out of here Grivious before i kill you from all of your cursing.

Grivious: fine! I'm leaving master!😥😥😥

Savage: the poor guy...

Shak Ti: will someone please tell me why I'm here.

Plo koon: yeah. I'm confused.

Lux: idk I just found this thing called the singles chat and entered hoping that someone can help me get revenge on that Rex dude.

Barriss: same! Except I want revenge on Ahsoka.

Kix: go get a room, you two.

Fives: don't ruin my ship or I'll kill you.

Echo: FIVES!!!

Fives: what? I wasn't yelling.

Saw gerrara: so... Who did call us here?

Darth sidious: oh, I did. I need a date for tomorrow night, so I thought I would start a single chat, and hopefully fine me a date.

Shak Ti: that's it. I'm leaving.

Plo Koon: yeah. Better get out while we still can

Fives: hey, I just discovered a new ship. Plo Ti. You better go out while you still can!

Echo: sometimes I wonder if we are even brothers...

Jesse: same. Except about Hardcase

Darth Sidious: so... Will anyone go out with me?

Ventress: sorry, I just threw up all my lunch. I think I'm sick. For multiple reasons.

Barriss: dang, I need an excuse.

Darth Sidous: will you go out with me Barriss?

Barriss: uh...uh...   (SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!)

Lux: uh, she can't... Um, because she has a date... With me.

Dooku: I rest my case.

Fives: I just discovered another new ship. Luxiss or is it barrux?

Echo: -facepalms-

Jesse: well, uh, us clones have to you know... Train and stuff.

Fives: yeah later dude. Good luck finding a date!

Darth sidious: will no one go out with me?

Maul: sorry master. I have to you know, get revenge on kenobi. Come on savage!

Darth Sidious: well... I guess I'm single. For life.

What if Darth Sidious had a girlfriend?!?! And what are Barriss and Lux going to do to Rexoka?!? Stay tuned for more!

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