Father's Day/ Party For Plo Koon

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Anakin: Happy Father's Day Obi Wan

Obi Wan: ....Anakin I'm not a father

Anakin: oh, well I guess that's true. Idk, you just seem like a dad to me

Ahsoka: he kinda is. Lol, you want to talk about a dad, then that's Plo Koon. He's litterly adopted me and the wolf pack

Obi Wan: quite true

Anakin: I saw him sewing raincoats so the wolf pack wouldn't get wet

Ahsoka: he made me one too...and then I had to wear it. He also says that I have to be home by exactly 11:11pm no later. 🙄

Anakin: ha ha, Obi Wan did that to me when I was your age

Ahsoka: and how did that end?

Obi Wan: he jumped out of the window because he was going to vandalize Master Yoda's hut

Ahsoka: lol

Anakin: I broke my leg, but still

Ahsoka: I was thinking, maybe we should do something for Plo Koon for fathers day. I'm sure the wolf pack would help

Anakin: hmm, maybe we could buy him a van. That would be great

Obi Wan: Anakin no

Ahsoka: not what I meant

Anakin: okay, then maybe we could throw slime at him

Ahsoka: ?!?! I meant something nice, that he would actaully like

Anakin: a swimming pool would be nice

Obi Wan: what if we throw him a small little party then

Ahsoka: great idea. Let me ask Wolffe, oh, and I'm sure Rex would help

Anakin: you kinda don't have a choice over helping your girlfriend tbh. Once I refused to help Padme make coffee, so she just dumped it all over me

Obi Wan: well duh. Tea is way better than coffee

Ahsoka has added Rex and Wolffe to the chat

Ahsoka: hi boys

Wolffe: what's up?

Rex: did you need anything Cinnamon Roll?

Ahsoka: actually I wanted to throw a party for Plo Koon for Father's Day. I know he's not actaully a father, but he feels that way

Wolffe: hey, yeah. Great idea. Me and the boys would love to help

Rex: me too. And maybe the 501st...if they've picked up their giant peanut butter mess

Obi Wan: ??? What happened there?

Rex: -sighs- the usual, pranks gone wrong

Ahsoka: oh, lol. Let's have a party at the park. I'll invite everyone. You guys start decorating

Wolffe: yes commander!

Rex: I'm coming. Aw nut! There's peanut butter all over my shoe! Jesse!!! Hardcase!!!! Fives!!!!!

Anakin: so I guess I'll just continue to relax in my van

Obi Wan: are you litterly just sitting with sunglasses in your van out in the parking lot?

Anakin: yes

Obi Wan: why do I even bother?

Later, at the party

Ahsoka: Happy Father's Day Plo Koon!!! Your like a father to us all!!!

Wolffe: here, we made you a cake

Hardcase: its peanut flavored

Rex: which wasn't on purpose

Plo Koon: oh, thank you all so much. I think I'm going to cry

Jesse whispering: (He doesn't have eyes, so how does he cry?)

Rex: Jesse!

Obi Wan: I have one genuine question. Where is Anakin?

Ahsoka: idk

Anakin shows up with water balloons

Anakin: happy father's day!

He throws water balloons at everyone

Anakin: ha ha ha!!! Kidding!!! I got you!!! Just try and catch me in my van!

Ahsoka: somebody get me some water balloons and my segway. Oh, and a towel too

And the party breaks out into a huge water fight. Don't worry, Anakin gets pounded alright, and his van too. Ahsoka threw a water balloon with such force that it left a dint. (Anakin wasn't too happy about that) so he then tossed her segway into the pond. The clones also thought it would be a good idea to mix peanut butter with the water balloons, so then everyone got sticky. And then they washed off in the pond until Tup thought he saw a snake. Everyone got out except Anakin, who decided he was going go catch it and make it into a pet. But then of course someone saw him and told him to get out or they would call the authorities. So he did, and then everyone enjoyed the peanut butter cake.

Happy Father's Day everyone! This was a little chapter I put together, but I think we can all agree that Plo Koon is the father to everyone, lol. Have a great day

Meme of today:

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