hondo tries advertising

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Hondo: how are my two favorite Jedi?

Anakin: what do you want Hondo?

Hondo: want something? why think that Skywalker?

Obi wan: because you never just check in on us

Hondo: ah! Wise master Kenobi you've got me!

Anakin: so what do you want?

Hondo: I was wandering if your interested in purchasing my new merchandise

Obi wan: which is?

Hondo: tide laundry detergent!

Anakin: say what

Hondo: its great for washing all those milly robes, and dirty Jedi vest! The best part is, its only 15.99!!

Obi wan: your literly trying advertising?

Hondo: whata? It makes good money! Now may I remind you, I saved this deal for my favorite Jedi

Anakin: sorry, but no. My laundry detergent is wayy cheaper

Hondo: buta this is high quality stuff!

Obi wan: sorry, were good

Hondo: hmm, maybe the ladies of the household will think differently!

Obi wan: please tell me he's not doing what I think he's doing.

Anakin: he is

Hondo has added Padme and Satine to this chat

Hondo: ah, ladies! How would you like some of my rare laundry detergent for the cheap price of 15.99?

Satine: um, what

Padme: 15.99 is way to expensive. Sorry, but no

Satine: um, I don't wash my own clothes.

Hondo: buta aren't you tired of smelly clothes? With this concxtion, you clothes will smell like lavender for eternity!

Padme: I'm good

Satine: why am I even here?

Obi wan: sorry girls

Hondo: ifa none of you will buy my detergent, maybe some young ones will convince you!

Hondo has added Ahsoka and korgie to this chat

Ahsoka: um hello?

Korgie: why am I here

Obi wan: -facepalms-

Hondo: ah kids! Nowa tell me, don't you want some fresh clothes with my new laundry detergent

Ahsoka: number one, I'm not a kid. Number two, why on earth would I want laundry detergent?

Korgie: yeah, same

Hondo: this is not going well

Anakin: just leave us alone now

Hondo: not until I've made a profit!

Satine: fine! I will buy 2 things of it.

Obi wan: I really don't want to buy laundry detergent

Anakin: good thing I know someone who will

Anakin has added Yoda to this chat

Yoda: here, why am I?

Padme: basically, do you want laundry detergent?

Yoda: in need of detergent, I am

Hondo: ah! Yes! The small green one, smart! Nowa, how many?

Yoda: 30, I will take

Ahsoka: say what?

Yoda: many Jedi robes, to wash I have.

Hondo: greata! Your package will be delivered tommrow! At only the price of $500!

Anakin: but that's like, 50 dollars more.

Obi wan: wow Anakin. When did you learn to do your math?

Padme: yeah

Hondo: shha I'm making good business.

Yoda: scammed I have been.

Anakin: well someone needs a grammar lesson.

Hondo: what cam I say? Laundry detergent is laundry detergent. No cancellations aloud.

Yoda: yoga I must do, focus on finding a job, I must.

Ahsoka: wait, do you don't even have 500 dollars?

Yoda: befallen me, bankruptcy has.

The end. Anyone else love Hondo?

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