If We All Had Nicknames

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Fives: Hey guys

Dogma: What do you want?

Rex: No, more importantly, what did you do???

Anakin: If it has to do with killing rubber chickens, I'm proud of you Fives

Fives: No. Nothing for once.

Echo: Woah. I didn't even know that was possible

Tup: Wait, then if Fives didn't do anything, who vacuumed up all of my poptarts????

Jesse: That would be me. Hardcase spilled them all over the place, so I had to pick them up somehow

Ahsoka: :0 Lol, I don't know what else we were expecting 🤣

Tup: Well, I guess I can eat all of the crumbs then

Dogma: I wouldn't...

Tup: Why not?

Dogma: Because I vacuumed up a cricket in there.

Tup: Ah!!!!

Echo: Just curious; what happened to it?

Dogma: It probably starved to death in there then became one with the force.

Anakin: I like you're style bro

Rex: So...if you don't want anything, and you didn't cause any trouble, why are you texting us?

Fives: Oh just because I had a random thought. What if when we texted, we had actual nicknames, you know, other than just our regular names



Ahsoka: That's a good idea actually

Echo: But then how would we know who was who?

Jesse: We wouldn't!

Hardcase: That sounds like fun! Oh! I know what I'll change mine to!

Anakin: Great idea! Let's all change our names, and try to guess who is who!

Ahsoka: I'm in!

Rex: Why not

Tup: Sure

Dogma: I guess so

Anakin: Okay...3...2...1...go!!!


Jello_my_boys: Hello there!!!!

Rubber_chicken_killer#1Jediakathechoosen1: Wait, Obi Wan??? Obi Wan's playing???

Jello_my_boys: Lol no, kidding

Queen_of_💫wars: Anakin, seriously? That nickname was overkill.

Blue_warrior🧡🥰💙: Wayyy overkill

#Bestcloneeva: Omg!!!! 😍😍😍😍 Rexsoka-the emojis!!! Look!!!! Ahhh!!!! It must be-

Manual_Masta: Hi Fives.

#Bestcloneeva: And Blue Warrior is Rex!

Blue_warrior: Was it that obvious?

Cricket_killer_cook: Yes.

Queen_of_💫_Wars: But it's so sweet! Oh, busted my identity, didn't I?

Rubber_chicken_killer#1Jediakathechoosen1: It was obvious as well

Queen_of_💫_Wars: Not as obvious as yours.

Light_bulb: You'll never guess who I am!!!

Donut: Or me!!! Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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