Decorating For Christmas

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Yoda: Time for the meeting to commence, it is

Mace Windu: Its settled then

Ki Adi Mundi: What should we discuss?

Shaak Ti: Our bacon supply is dwindling

Obi Wan: We don't have much to spare

Yoda: Buy more next time, we should

Kit: Uh, what's that sound?

A section of the ceiling falls to the floor, then comes a Christmas tree, and Anakin

Anakin: I got it down!



Ahsoka: What did he do?

Rex: Something not good from the looks of it

Anakin: Obi, chill

Obi Wan: First of all, never call me Obi. And second, what were you thinking???

Anakin: That I needed to get the Christmas tree out of the attic

Ahsoka: we want to know how he did that

Obi Wan: He cut a hole in the roof while we were having a council meeting! Do you have any idea how startling that was to have a section of the ceiling fall, and then a whole tree come down????

Rex: Wow...that's...

Ahsoka: Crazy. Omg 😂😂😂 We need to put that on our list of craziest things Anakin had ever done

Obi Wan: You've made a list?

Padme: With my help. And yes. It's getting quite long

Anakin: Sweet. Don't forget to put the time that I threw my blow dryer down a one hundred foot sky scraper

Padme: When did you do that?

Rex: Why did you do that?

Anakin: Rumors about rubber chickens and such...

Ahsoka: Of course.

Obi Wan: Still, Anakin, I can't believe you

Anakin: Why not?

Obi Wan: -sighs-

Anakin: At least he didn't catch Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase in the window dangling by a string of Christmas lights

Rex: What?

Anakin: I can't decorate a tree all by myself!

Rex: So that's what happened to them

Ahsoka: How did they end up dangling over a window?

Anakin: Long story. And one that doesn't matter now. Basically, I need you guys to help me decorate the Christmas tree

Obi Wan: Why would we help you do that?

Padme: Yeah, exactly. I'm still a little mad about how you photobomed my council meeting. Now we can't make advertisements for the the outer rim!

Anakin: Chill. I'll buy you some eggnog flavored tea Obi Wan...and Padme, I'll give back some of your weird hair thingies I stole

Padme: What???

Anakin: Uh, I needed something for ornaments?

Ahsoka: ...what about the ones up in the attic?

Rex: Yeah. I remember putting those away last year, because Hardcase shot a mannequin up there

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