Anakin's Skeleton

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Aayla: Yayy!!! I'm so excited its almost Halloween

Adi Gallia: I'm just ready to scare people. After Qunilan Vos hid in the fridge and jumped out and scared me with that creepy mask last year, I've been plotting my revenge ever since

Shaak Ti: How did he fit in the fridge?

Obi Wan: There are many questions about Vos that no one knows the answer to.

Ahsoka: Yeah. Like why he eats shaving creme. Or sleeps in the hall closet

Vos: It has to do with orange juice. That's all I'm allowed to tell you

Kit: You know, I wish they made sweaters like they do for Christmas. I would sooo wear a Halloween sweater

Aayla: Oh! Me too!

Adi Gallia: What was that sound?

Obi Wan: Anakin!

Anakin: It wasn't me attempting to blow my shoe up again, I swear.

Ahsoka: Then what was it

Shaak Ti: Please don't say it was my toilet paper stash being blown up

Anakin: No, of course not. I already used all your toilet paper in a battle against Maul

Shaak Ti: !!!

Anakin: I was trying to put this 6 foot tall skeleton up, but I cant seem to hang it, so I was-

Shaak Ti: You hang skeletons???

Mace Windu: Hanging? That's against the Jedi order, you know

Anakin: Its not alive! As I was saying-

Obi Wan: You know, I honestly don't even want to know

Adi Gallia: Why can I envision him sipping out of his Halloween flavored tea, lol

Anakin: As I was saying, before you all interrupted me, I couldn't hang him, so I was going to duck tape it to the wall. And then it fell and busted the window open

Vos: Nice! I haven't broken a window since I threw the smoothie maker at one. You know, I think it's about time again

Kit: How have they not been kicked out of the Jedi Order yet, lol 😂


Aayla: Oh my god. Has anyone been out on the front porch lately?

Adi Gallia: No, why?

Kit: I always go out the back porch because I'm terrified of the security camera on the front porch. I hear, Yoda catches funny shots of us and photoshops us into weird pics.

Vos: I just jump out the window cause I have the force and why the heck not

Aayla: Anakin's skeleton just sacred me to death! It looks like a living nightmare

Ahsoka: Tell me about it. I was just casually eating a donut dipped in ranch when I saw that skeleton. I screamed like a youngling about to be murdered by Anakin

Shaak Ti: I too, have been frightened. There I was, meditating on Yoda's floating chair, when I see the skeleton and fall off.

Aayla: Exactly!

Adi Gallia: Oh come on. It can't be that scary

Aayla: Oh really?

Adi Gallia: Yeah-

-Anakin's skeleton falls on her

Adi Gallia: Ahh!!! What the-?!?!

Ahsoka: Not very scary, huh?

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