The Mall

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Padme: who's excited for today?

Satine: me! I can't wait to go shopping

Ahsoka: me too. It sounds like fun

Barriss: I only came because I need to return this toaster

Ahsoka: why? What was wrong with it?

Barriss: nothing. I just wanted to return it

Satine: okay?

Padme: let's get going now!

Ahsoka: uh, it's like 5am. How long are we going to be shopping for?

Padme: have you never heard the saying shop until you drop? Now everybody load up in the van!

Satine: do you have Anakin's permission to drive this?

Padme: no, but I needed a vehicle and this one will work

Ahsoka: unless of course Anakin did something to it

Barriss: why would he do that?

Padme: because he's Anakin

Ahsoka: yeah. Once he blew up the bathtub because it got stained orange after he thought it would be a good idea to take a bath in orange crush soda.

Satine: well he couldn't very well let Obi Wan find out about that, could he now?

Barriss: I guess not. Though its impossible to keep anything from Luminaria...

Padme: let's stop by McDonalds and get some breakfast

Jesse and Hardcase pop out of the back of the van

Jesse and Hardcase: we're going to McDonalds?!?!

Barriss: ahhh!!!

Ahsoka: When do you two get in here???

Jesse: we wanted to go to the mall too

Hardcase: so we hid in the van!

Satine: you almost gave me a heart attack

Ahsoka: uh, does Rex, or anyone know that you're here?

Jesse:, I don't think so

Padme: -sighs-

Satine: well I guess we could turn around and-


Barriss: that was loud

Ahsoka: well let me at least text Rex and tell him where you guys are

Barriss: why did you want to go shopping in the first place

Jesse: well for one I've never went shopping before

Hardcase: and I blew the oven up!

Jesse: yeah, so, you know, we have to buy another one

Satine: and no one knows about this?

Jesse: Nope. Well actually we had to "accidentally" lock Dogma in the storage closet so he won't find out

Hardcase: he'd murder us if he did

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