Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 3

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Obi Wan: Maul, you don't have to do this

Satine: Yeah

Maul: You think you know me? You know nothing of all those years I spent thinking of that time you outbid me for that washer on Ebay!

Obi Wan: I-

Maul: Now you will share my pain!

-Maul shoots Satine and gets her out of the game

Obi Wan: No!!!!!!!!

Satine: Remember my dear Obi Wan...I've loved you always...and always will. Also I'm the one who hid your tea as a prank on April Fools day

Obi Wan: ....I don't know if I'm more hurt or angry right now

Maul: Now this is going to be juicy!

-Bo Katan comes in and saves Obi Wan

Maul: No!!!

Bo Katan: Come on, we have to get the holocron! For Satine!

Obi Wan: You're her sister, aren't you?

Bo Katan: comment

Obi Wan: I'm so sorry

Bo Katan: Yeah, I know. She was kind of annoying

Obi Wan: No, I meant- never mind. We have to beat Anakin to that holocron!

Barriss: You know, this is rather interesting to watch.

Lux: Why?

Barriss: ....because I planted a bomb in the Jedi temple.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka, Plo Koon, Wolffe, Rex and Jesse are making their way through the halls when they run into Master Yoda

Ahsoka: Master Yoda?

Plo Koon: Care to join us?

Yoda: Indeed, yes.

Just then, the bathroom next to them explodes

Rex: What???

Jesse: Ahh!!!

Wolffe: At least the toilet lid didn't hit any of us

Ahsoka: What just happened?

Yoda: Bombed the temple, a Jedi has.

《Awkward silence》

Barriss: Ahsoka! It was Ahsoka! She wanted a new bathroom so she decided to bomb it so you'd have to redesign a new one!!!!

Ahsoka: What? No-

Rex: I know commander Tano! She would never do something like this!

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