Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 2

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Later, after the feast at 8:00pm

Kit: Okay, is everyone ready?

Vos: Oh, I was born ready!

Padme: Shall we go over the rules?

Dogma: Yes.

Fives: No.

Ahsoka: Can we make alliances?

Obi Wan: I don't see why not

Aayla: Psst, Adi, let's team up!

Adi Gallia: No way, I'm going with Hondo

Hondo: You wanta win, don't ya?

Aayla: Seriously?

Adi Gallia: What? This guy knows what he's doing

Hondo: Now watch, as we get the treasure!

Anakin: Okay okay, let's get going! I have a competition to win!

Yoda: Go! 1...2...3!!!!

Shaak Ti: ....I think he said that backwards

Anakin: Who cares??? War!!!!! Fives, Hardcase, cover me!

Padme: Oh no you don't! Bail, keep them distracted while I take Anakin down!

Bail: Bold of you to assume I know how to use a laser gun!

Barriss: Wait, what does this button do?

Lux: Uh, I think you just shot yourself

Barriss: So what now?

Aayla: You're dead! Kit, there's no way we can get past this blockade!

Ahsoka: Distraction, we need a distraction!

Rex: What do you have in mind commander?

Ahsoka: Good to see you're still on my side Rex

Rex: Of course dear cinnamon roll

Jesse: I'll be too. Because Fives and Hardcase just like took off with Anakin

Ahsoka: Okay, here's what I had in mind...

Vos: Fun battle, isn't this Kenobi?

Obi Wan: You and your girlfriend won't stop firing at me!!!

Ventress: I never knew there was a better way to get revenge on Kenobi than just killing him!!!!

Obi Wan: -sighs-

Vos: What, didn't bring your girlfriend along?

Obi Wan: Satine's not my- wait, where is she?

-At that very moment, Satine comes crashing through the window wearing Mandalorian armor

Satine: Need a hand?

Ventress: Vos! No!!!

-Ventress takes the laser shots for Vos

Vos: Ventress! No!!!!

Ventress: I've made my make yours...and win this dang competition for us!!!

Satine: Woah!

Obi Wan: Satine?

Satine: I told ya I was going to steal death watch armor!

Obi Wan:

Satine: Okay, so, I just borrowed it from my sister, but it still has the same effect!

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