Truth or Dare + Hardcase Singing

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Fives: Ugh. Can anyone else hear Hardcase singing that annoying song???

Rex: Yep. And I'm all the way down the hall.

Dogma: Someone go tell him to quit! I need my sleep!

Rex: I already tried. I think he had to much sugar

Jesse: Hehe that might have been my fault...

Dogma: What kind of idiot would give Hardcase tons of sugar?

Tup: It sounded like fun at the time...but now I regret it

Jesse: Yeah

Ahsoka: Hey guys. I can hear Hardcase too. And I'm on the 3rd floor!

Anakin: What's he even singing?

Rex: No idea

Fives: Well, since we can't go to sleep, who wants to play truth or dare?

Anakin: I'm in!

Ahsoka: Me too!

Rex: Sure

Jesse: Yeah, just no crazy dares

Tup: Sure

Dogma: Well, I obviously can't get my beauty sleep, so whatever

Fives: Okay I'm first. Rex, truth or dare?

Rex: Well I know better than to pick your dares, so truth.

Fives: Is it true that you like Ahsoka?

Rex: Uh, what?

Fives: You know what I mean...

Rex: Commander Tano is a respected comrade. She has brilliant plans, she can get through enemy lines, she-

Fives: Okay, okay, never mind. Your turn Rex.

Rex: Tup, truth or dare?

Tup: Uhhh...truth

Jesse: He's too scared to choose dare.

Tup: Am not.

Rex: Is it true that you're scared of the dark?

Jesse: (laughing) I already know this one.

Tup: -sighs- Yes. Yes, I'm scared of the dark. Now everyone knows my darkest secret.

Ahsoka: I always wondered what you were scared of Tup.

Anakin: Who would have though you would be scared of the dark! Wait does that mean all of you guys are scared of the dark?

Rex: No sir

Dogma: I'm not a baby like Tup

Tup: Hey!

Fives: If I was scared of the dark, I wouldn't be sneaking around at night pranking you guys.

Anakin: True. Putting glitter in every ones helmet was sweet

Ahsoka: Seriously guys...okay that was funny

Rex: It's your turn Tup

Tup: Dogma, truth or dare

Dogma: Well, I'll pick truth

Tup: Do you like dogs?

Anakin: wut

Dogma: Tup, you are the weirdest person I've ever met.

Tup: What? I've always wanted to know. I mean, your name is Dog ma. I've wondered, did you name yourself after dogs?

Dogma: Heck no. I just thought Dogma sounded cool

Jesse: No offense, but it doesn't.

Dogma: Thanks. Thanks a lot. Now its my turn. Jesse, truth or dare?

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