The Night Mascarade

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Anakin: Psst, psst! Obi Wan!

Obi Wan: Anakin it's three am. What do you want?

Anakin: I-

Obi Wan: Don't say cashew chicken. Not again

Anakin: No, I just can't find my shoes

Obi Wan:

Obi Wan: What?

Anakin: I took off my shoes somewhere, and now I can't find them!

Obi Wan: How?

Anakin: Do you have any idea how big the Jedi Temple is??? I once lost a Hamster in here and I still haven't found it!

Obi Wan: Well, that's not my problem! Go find your own shoes

Anakin: But if Mace Windu finds out I'm up past lights out time, he'll kill me! Or make me do the dishes. I can't decide what's worse.

Obi Wan: Just wait until morning then

Anakin: But then everyone will think I'm a loser for losing my shoes.

Obi Wan: Then get up, find them, go back to bed, and don't bug me again.

Anakin: Ok

Anakin: Its kinda creepy here at night

Obi Wan I'm blocking you so I can get some sleep tonight

Anakin: If you must

Anakin: Dang, those doors slam loudly. But thankfully, I'm the only Jedi awake

Ahsoka: Hey Master

Anakin: AHHHH!!!

Ahsoka: Shhh!!! Mace Windu might hear! And I don't want to have to clean the windows!

Anakin: What are you doing out here?

Ahsoka: Getting a drink of pink lemonade

Anakin: Why?

Ahsoka: It helps you sleep. Master Plo Koon told me. And also I heard a noise so I thought I would investigate. You know, ever since Cad Bane stole our laundry detergent I've been pretty wary

Anakin: It was just my door. It creaks super loudly

Ahsoka: So what are you doing up?

Anakin: Looking for my shoes.

Ahsoka: ...I'm...not gonna ask. But I'll help

Anakin: Let's go to the kitchen first.

Ahsoka: Wait, do you hear that sound?

Anakin: It sounds like...the tv. In the basement

Ahsoka: Better make sure Maul or Savage haven't snuck in again

-They go down to the basement

Ahsoka: Is that...

Anakin: Wii music?

-They find Kit Fisto playing on the wii, making miis.

Kit: Hohoho, that one looks so good! Just like Mace Windu. 🤣 Oh wait, his eyebrows need to be higher

Ahsoka: Master Fisto?

Kit: AHHH!!!

-He throws his wii remote at them

Anakin: Ahhh!!! Watch it dude!

Kit: What are you doing here??

Ahsoka: We heard a noise. What are you doing here?

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