birthday surprise (j•o)

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happy birthday liv!! the big 18!! in honor of her day, i'm continuing my tradition of posting a jolivia one shot on her birthday!! enjoy!! there's been no drama in this au and jolivia is happy together :)

when the alarm goes off on her nightstand, she lets a smile take over her face. it was officially her birthday.

she had to admit though, she was a little bummed. filming was over so she was back in LA. it was her first birthday that she wasn't celebrating in Salt Lake in almost three years.

it was sad, but she was determined not to let that ruin her day. her best friend Madi was in town for the weekend to celebrate with her, which was a big deal since she hasn't seen her best friend in months.

Olivia rolls out of bed, quickly changing into a plaid skirt and a grey sweater, making her way downstairs.

"happy birthday!"

she smiles at the sight of her mom and dad standing at the kitchen counter, a plate of her favorite breakfast food, chocolate chip pancakes with candles on top.

"awe, thank you!" she kisses each of them on the cheek and sits down at the counter to blow out the candles, making a quick wish.

she digs into her plate, stopping for a second when her phone dings next to her on the counter. she picks it up, seeing that it wasn't who she thought it was, and setting it back down with a faltering smile.

Jennifer Rodrigo sets her elbows on the counter across from her daughter, leaning her chin on her fists, "heard from Josh today?"

Liv shakes her head, "no. he usually texts me first thing in the morning after his meditation. maybe he forgot it was my birthday. it already sucks that i don't get to see him."

Josh was back home in Oceanside for about a month, he decided to go back after filming ended a few weeks ago. he missed his family. she just missed him more.

"i doubt he forgot honey, i'm sure he's just busy." Jennifer says, reaching over to pat the girls arm.

the newly 18 year old finishes her breakfast and gets up from the counter. she reaches for her keys on the hook on the wall, "i'm gonna go for a drive to see Madi i think. i'll be back later."

"be safe! love you!" Christ Rodrigo shouts as she makes her way out the door.

"love you more!"

she smiles as she settles in the front seat of her BMW, turning on the car and connecting her phone, Taylor Swift blasting out through the car.

she screams along to the lyrics as she drives aimlessly. she wasn't actually heading to see her best friend. they already had plans later that day. she just wanted to drive around and contemplate why she hadn't heard from her boyfriend.

they had been secretly together for a year, since they finished season one. nobody besides their family and the cast knew, keeping it a secret because he was older than her. she was hoping that today might be the day they decide to tell the world.

finally, after about an hour or so, she makes her way back home. she wanted to spend some time with her parents before she had to go meet Madi. those moments were going to be few and far between since she was currently looking at different apartments around LA, hoping to move out within the next couple months.

Liv pulls in the driveway, sighing as she gets out of the car. her parents are sitting on the couch when she gets home. she puts her keys back on the hook and takes a seat next to them.

"oh honey, i put your gift in your room. i wasn't sure when you'd be back so you can go and get it now if you want." her mom said, nodding to the stairs.

wordlessly, Olivia gets up and heads towards the stairs. her bedroom door is closed, which is a little weird since she left it open this morning, maybe the gift isn't wrapped and her mom wants to keep the surprise, she thinks.

she pushes her door open and freezes in her spot, "oh my god, what're you doing here?!"

Josh turns around from his place by the window and smiles brightly, "you really didn't think i'd miss your birthday, did you?"

he holds his arms out and she jumps into them, wrapping her legs around his waist. she hugs him tightly, feeling like she hasn't seen him in months even though it's only been about three weeks.

Liv holds his neck in her hands, leaning down to kiss him sweetly. he holds her against him tightly, just basking in the moment together. eventually he sets her down and grabs her hand.

"i thought you were in Oceanside for the month?"

he nods, "i am, but i snuck away for the weekend so i could be with you. everyone says happy birthday."

"thank you." she leans up on her toes to kiss his lips gently.

they break apart when they hear her mom yell up the stairs, "do you like your present?!"

she chuckles, "yes mom! thank you!"

she folds herself back into his arms, tilting her chin up to kiss him again. they kiss sweetly several times, having missed being with each other.

"i don't hear talking up there!" Chris yells, forcing the couple to break apart cause of their laughter.

Olivia grabs his hand, starting to pull him downstairs but he stops her, "wait, i wanna give you your gift while we're still alone."

"you didn't have to get me anything. you being here is enough." she rubs his hand with her thumb.

Josh doesn't respond, instead, he reaches into his back pocket to pull out a jewelry box. he places it in her hand, "open it."

she gives him a shy smile and flips the lid on the box, her eyes softening at what's inside. it was a dainty gold necklace with an amethyst stone, 'J+O' engraved onto the back of the pendant.

"Josh, it's beautiful." she gasps.

he takes the necklace out of the box and moves to stand behind her, putting it around her neck. she holds her hair while he clasps it.

"only the best for you." he says sweetly, kissing her cheek quickly.

she reaches up to run her thumb over his cheek, "i love you."

"i love you too."

he grabs her hand and they make their way downstairs to sit with her parents. her mom and dad make conversation with Josh while Olivia sits back and fiddles with her necklace, watching the way her family gets along so well with him.

she thinks back to this morning, smiling a little to herself. Josh turns to her and chuckles, "what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?"

"nothings," she smiles back at him, "just thinking about how i got my birthday wish." she pecks his cheek and curls into his side, rejoining the conversation with her family.

while it didn't start out the best, this was shaping up to be one of her favorite birthdays.

yeah...this wasn't the best thing i've ever written but i finished it at 11:16 on february 20th which is still Livs birthday so it counts yall. i wanted to uphold my tradition of the birthday oneshots and i fulfilled that lmao. i haven't been posting one shots since i've been writing my story but i have some in the works!! check out "everything changes" as i have another update coming very soon!!

love you all!! happy birthday again to the queen!!!

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