what're you doing new years eve?

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the music playing through the condo is loud, Nini's surprised there hasn't been a noise complaint yet.

when she came home from college for the holidays, a few friends from high school texted her to invite her to their nye party. she figured it'd be a fun way to distract herself from all the shit that happened this past year.

senior year was hard enough, throw in the fact that her Lola died, her moms separated, and she got dumped by her college boyfriend all in the same year, now that sucked.

she wanders through the house with a seltzer in her hand, sipping on it as she made small talk with people from high school.

in all honesty, she came to this party thinking that somebody from her past might be here. somebody she left behind in Salt Lake when she moved to New York for college.

but, it was 11:25 and he wasn't here so she assumed he wouldn't be showing up.

Nini found a spot on the couch and pulled out her phone, wanting to distract herself until midnight.

at 11:30, she sees the front door open.

as she looks up from her phone, her heart starts to beat faster as she finally sees the boy she's been missing for four years.

his hair is wild and he's wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, wearing his signature vans. her heart just about stops as she watches him laugh with somebody.

it's been a long time since she's seen him, a lot can change in four years. he looked good, like he'd been working out. he had a bit of scruff on his face and his hair was shorter but still held the signature curls.

she never stopped loving him. that was always clear to her even while she dated other people in college. he was always her one true love.

Ricky makes his rounds through the groups of people, chatting in passing with people from high school. he grabs a beer from the kitchen and makes his way into the near empty dining room. Nini gets up and follows him.

he's leaning against the wall, looking out the large window when she enters the room. she's quiet for a minute as she watches him before she speaks, "hey stranger."

he turns to the voice he's missed so much, a small smile on his face, "hey, long time no see."

she makes her way closer to him and leans against the wall on the other side of the window, "so...how're things?"

the young man shrugs, "eh, they've been better. just found out dad and Jenn are moving cause they're having a kid together. that's a lot to find out at once."

Nini nods, "yeah i get that. it's been a fucking year."

"you can say that again." Ricky says as he chuckles dryly and raises his beer to his lips.

it's quiet between the two for a few minutes, both taking sips of their drinks and stealing glances at each other.

they can hear everyone gathering together to countdown. Nini glances at the boy who still owns her heart and works up some courage, "um, where's your midnight kiss? i'm sure you brought the lucky girl along."

Ricky chuckles, "no kiss this year, haven't been with anybody in a while."

they stare at each other as the countdown begins, sharing a secret conversation that could only happen in their minds.


as everyone around them screamed happy new year, the couple of ex lovers shared their first kiss in four years.

it was like nothing had changed as they kissed passionately, time standing still for both of them.

as they pull away, Nini rests her hand over his chest, "i'm glad you're with me at midnight."

"there's nowhere else i'd rather be." Ricky smiles down at her before guiding her chin back up to kiss her again.

it's gonna be a good year.

ahhh, the final one shot of 2021. i know it's short but i wanted to get something out to you to celebrate this year. it's been a fucking year for sure and i don't have much hope for 2022 but i wanted to say thank you to all of you who read and comment and send me sweet messages every so often!! you all made my year very special and i hope that you will continue to read my works throughout the new year. happy new year everybody, be safe, i hope you're all healthy and i love you all!! catch you in the new year!!!

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now