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this one is m rated but i think it's sweet! pregnant nini is one of my favorite things to write!

Ricky quietly closed the door behind him just in case his wife was napping. he slipped his shoes off by the door and set his messenger bag down on the couch.

"Neens?" he called out, hearing no response.

he ventured around the first floor of their house, checking every room for his pregnant wife. he eventually made his way up the stairs, hearing little whimpers as he got closer to their bedroom.

"sweetheart?" he asked tentatively as he pushed the door open.

his gaze softened as he spotted his wife. she was bent over the bed, her hands on the comforter as she swayed back and forth. he approached her slowly, his hand coming to her back but she flinched, his hand recoiling.

"you okay?"

Nini looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. she let a few slip, "everything hurts. like every single part of my body hurts. i'm in so much pain."

Ricky smiled sadly, he hated seeing her in pain. ever since she hit 28 weeks she's been in pain. he hated it, he wished constantly that he could take her pain away.

"do you want me to massage you? maybe that'll help." he asked, his head ducking down next to hers.

she let out a whimper in response and nodded her head, Ricky immediately pulling her down with him as he sat on the bed. he leaned up against the headboard, his wife between his spread legs. she groaned in pain as his hands clutched her shoulders. his fingers worked their way down her back, getting rid of the tiny knots along the way. he rubbed the vertebrae at her lower back, knowing that was the worst spot for her. Nini's head dipped back into the crook of his neck at the release of tension.

"that feel better?" he asked as he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

Nini nodded, "can you rub my hips? they're sore."

"of course honey, anything else hurt?" his hands moved to the dip of her hips, his thumbs brushing her belly as he rubbed her hips.

he watched as Nini's face flushed, "my breasts hurt, they're growing."

Ricky kissed her flushed cheek, "Neens, what did i say about being embarrassed? this is normal for pregnant women. don't be embarrassed to ask me to do these things, i don't want you to be in pain baby."

Nini nodded as his hands traveled up, stopping at her belly to rub it for a moment. his hands continued to move, she let out a strangled gasp as he gently cupped her left breast. he worked slowly, needing her gently to relieve the tension before moving to the right and beginning the same process.

if they weren't so close he might not have noticed how his wife let out a quiet whimper as he touched her, arching her back lightly. he grinned, ducking his head to her ear, "are you turned on right now?" he chuckled lightly.

a hand came up to run through her long brown hair in frustration, "i'm pregnant Ricky, i get turned on by everything. i'm sorry."

he smirked, "don't be sorry. you want me to relieve you?"

Nini turned slightly to pull his lips down to hers, her hand wrapped around his neck. she deepened the kiss quickly, her tongue mixing with his.

Ricky pulled away enough to speak, a smirk on his lips, "i'll take that as a yes." he kissed her quickly again before flipping them so that she rested against the pillows.

he pulled back so he could pull his shirt over his head, Nini's red nails clawing at his toned chest, fingers quickly making their way to his jeans button. he pulled her arms up so he could pull her shirt off carefully, leaving her in a maternity bra and a pair of shorts.

"i know i'm not sexy right now, i look hideous." Nini said, a hand coming to cover her face.

"Nina," he stated, grabbing her attention, "you're beautiful. i don't want to hear you say that you're not again. you're so unbelievably sexy to me right now. i wanna take care of you." he says, his lips dropping down to her neck as his hand gropes her breast again gently.

he moves to unclip her maternity bra, pulling it off of her as his cold hands touched her, his wife arching her back. he moved away to pull a pillow from the stack behind them, arching Nini lightly as he shoved the pillow under her lower back to make her more comfortable.

her hands roamed his neck and shoulders as she looked lovingly into his eyes. they shared a few kisses, Ricky's hands moving to remove her shorts and underwear before pulling his jeans and boxers off. he held her belly in his hands as he smiled, Nini's hands coming over his.

"i'll be gentle, i promise." he placed a sweet kiss to her cheek as he reached down to stroke her lightly a few times.

her head tipped back at the sensation. every nerve in her body was firing at the same time, she was so sensitive to everything, hence why her sex drive has been so elevated lately. she pawed for him, her hands resting on his chest as he lined himself up. he pressed a kiss to her lips as he entered her, Nini breaking the kiss to gasp loudly.

her fingers pulled at his curls as he slowly thrusted, little whimpers escaping her mouth. he was slow and gentle, knowing that she was extra sensitive to everything, he didn't want to hurt her. he put a hand on her belly as he thrusted, her legs gently resting behind his knees.

her breath was hot on his face as he kissed her neck. she was whining and whimpering, more so from the pain of pregnancy than the sensations he was providing her.

"you okay?" he asked into her ear before he kissed the shell of her ear.

her arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers playing with the curls at the base of his neck, "yeah, i'm just uncomfortable."

he thrusted again, "do you want me to stop?"

she yanked on a curl, "god no! just because i'm having a baby doesn't mean that i don't get to have sex."

Ricky laughed lightly as he continued to thrust slowly, her legs tightening around him. she panted into his ear as her release came closer. he picked up his pace slightly, just enough to get her to cross the finish line.

"Ricky." she whined into his ear, her arms wrapping around him as she pulled him closer to her.

his breathing was becoming ragged, "it's okay babe, i got you."

she placed her hands on the curve of her stomach, rubbing slightly as a wave crashed over her. Ricky continued to trust, slowing his pace after they both released. his hand met her stomach as well as they both came down from their highs.

she nuzzled her nose against his as they kissed lightly, her hands rubbing her swollen belly, "she's gonna be one lucky baby."

he grinned against her lips, "she'll have you as her mom so yeah, i'd say she's one lucky baby."

she smiled. her hand cupping his neck as they looked into each other's eyes for a few minutes. he leaned down to kiss her lightly.

"i love you so much. did i make you feel better?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

she smiled wide, her hand running up and down his arm, "you always make me feel better."

hey everybody! hope you've been enjoying the past few updates! thanks for reading and commenting as always, i love hearing from you guys!

did anybody see liv's live today on mtv?! she sang all i want, added a second verse to gross (my FAVORITE original by her!), and covered cruel summer by taylor swift which tswift reposted on her insta story!! also josh's common sense music video was fantastic, i've watched it 20 times in the past two days, and it's trending on youtube now!!! what a great day for us josh and liv stans!

anyways, love you all! keep reading and commenting! follow me on twitter at @riniaus and dm me to say hi and that you're from wattpad so i can follow you back!!

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