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Nini was sitting on her bed in her dorm room at the YAC. her roommate was out with friends so she was just watching The Office in her computer to pass the time. it was friday and she didn't have any classes so she was pretty bored. that was until there was a knock on her door. she figured her roommate had just forgotten her key again.

she got up, huffing that her show was interrupted, she spoke as she opened the door, "Rachel, how many times do i have to tell you, don't forg-"

it wasn't her roommate at the door.

"surprise!" Ricky said excitedly.

Nini didn't know what to say. she just launched herself into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"oh my god Ricky! what're you doing here?!" she asked excitedly when she pulled away.

Ricky held her in his arms, "i wanted to come visit my favorite girl! i needed to hold you in my arms."

Nini smiled as she pulled Ricky into her room. it wasn't the first time he had been to visit her at the YAC but he didn't get to come often. he missed being with her, being able to hug her and kiss her.

he set down his backpack on the floor. Nini immediately pulled him in for a kiss. it had been a few months since they had seen each other in person and the tension had built up. she pushed his jacket off as he backed her up to her bed. she collapsed against the comforter with a 'humpf' sound as she pulled Ricky closer against her. he straddled her hips as he broke apart to pull his shirt off over his head, Nini pulling her sweater off as well. she flipped them over as she pushed him against her pillows, speaking in between kisses.

"god i've missed you so much." she said as Ricky ran his hands down her bare back.

"i love you Nini." he said as she smiled before reattaching to his lips to hers. it was intense and hot. they were two teens who had been separated for months, the tension had been building with every phone call and facetime that the two had together.

Ricky flipped them over so he was on top again, moving his lips to her neck as she grasped onto the hair at the base of his neck. she tilted her head back and let out a little moan as Ricky bit down on her collarbone. she ran her hand down his chest, palming him through his jeans as he let out a low groan. he pressed his hands firmly into her hips as he sucked on a spot above her breast, Nini moving to pop the button on his jeans, pushing them down enough to get her hands through the waistband, holding onto his hips as he nibbled her skin. he released the now red skin and kissed her again, feverishly, while he worked her button and zipper of her jeans open. he slipped his hand under the waistband of her underwear, cupping her.

"mmm Ricky." she moaned.

the two didn't even hear the door open. Nini's roommate Rachel stood in the doorway speechless at the sight. the two looked towards the door when they heard Rachel sputtering.

"oh my god Rachel." Nini said as Ricky removed his hand from her pants and the two made themselves decent.

"i can be gone in like one minute." Rachel said, quickly heading to her desk and putting things in her backpack.

Nini, now dressed again, reassured her. "no Rach it's fine, we're not doing anything. you don't have to go."

Rachel's eyes flashed back and forth between the couple, "it didn't look like you weren't doing anything to me."

Nini blushed and Ricky chuckled awkwardly.

"you must be Ricky. Nini's told me all about you." Rachel said.

Ricky had never visited when Rachel was there so this was the first time they'd met, hell of a way to meet your girlfriends roommate.

after an awkward amount of time they all spent staring at each other, the three decided to go get diner together at the grill on campus. Ricky and Nini held hands the entire walk there, Rachel excitedly telling them about the showcase she got invited to perform in. dinner was nice, Ricky spent time getting to know Rachel. Nini appreciated it, she loved that he was so interested in the new people in her life. after dinner they headed back to the dorm room for a movie night. Ricky and Nini cuddled on her bed while Rachel sat on the floor, Nini's laptop placed strategically on a chair so they could all see.

Ricky loved being with her. he missed having her around to hold and to touch. the distance had definitely made the heart grow fonder. he held her close, his arm around her waist. he was whispering sweet nothings against her hair, Nini smiling brightly everytime he said he loved her.

they had watched about three movies before Rachel decided to call it quits. she settled into bed, Ricky and Nini deciding to do the same. they cuddled in close, as close as they could in the xl twin bed. Nini was wrapped in her boyfriends arms. she missed sleeping in the same bed as him. it was something they did often when she still lived in Salt Lake, it made her feel more comfortable to be held by him.

"i'm so happy you're here." she said as her eyes closed, her head resting on his chest.

Ricky smiled, "me too. i love you so much."

"i love you more."

another short one but i already had it mostly written!! hope you enjoyed!!! :)

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