you're my favorite secret

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Nini stared down the hallway as she stood at her locker, pulling out the books that she needed for the nights homework. she could see him pulling on his curls, something he only did when he was stressed, she knew him too well. she frowned slightly before she spotted her best friend coming down the hall towards her.

"hey!" EJ said, pulling on his letterman jacket, "what're you up to tonight? wanna come to the movies with Gi and i?"

Nini snuck a glance at the boy down the hall before closing her locker and turning back to EJ, "sorry, can't. Lola is coming for dinner tonight."

"ah okay. i'll see you later then?"

Nini nodded as he walked away, joining hands with her best friend Gina. she smiled, they were so cute but she was tired of being their third wheel. Nini leaned up against the wall outside the main door, she knew he always took a while getting to his car at the end of the day.

she was scrolling through her phone when she felt a pair of lips pressed to her hair. she smiled, pulling him against her, "i missed you."

he smiled, a loose curl falling into his eyes, "you look cute today. let's go." he grabbed her hand, their fingers interlocking as they walked to his car.

Nini hated lying to her friends but this was something she couldn't tell them. she never meant to fall for East High's resident bad boy Ricky Bowen, it just happened. about 5 months ago they had been partnered together at the beginning of the school year to be lab partners for their chemistry class. they switched off days at each other's houses, studying together until one day when they were studying in Nini's room and he leaned over and kissed her. she had began pacing around the room, going on and on about how that couldn't happen again until she had looked at him and saw the sad look on his face, his head hanging at his mistake. Nini had said screw it and climbed on top of him, kissing him back. they'd been inseparable ever since. she couldn't tell her friends, they'd think she was insane for getting involved with the one boy who could single handily destroy her. she couldn't help it.

Ricky had one hand on the steering wheel, his other hand grasped Nini's, their fingers interlaced in her lap. he chuckled as she sang along to the radio, her beautiful voice filling the car.

he rolled to a stop at the light, turning to look at her as the sun casted a glow on her face. he smiled slightly, "i love you, so much."

Nini turned to him, her smile wide. her hand broke from his as she cupped his cheek, her thumb grazing his soft skin, "i love you too honey."

he pulled into her driveway, the two getting out of the car, Nini running to the front door. Ricky laughed as he followed behind her.

"Lola!" the girl ran into her grandmothers open arms.

Lola hugged the girl tightly, giving her a kiss on the cheek as they pulled away. she cast a glance up at the taller boy, "Richard, come give me a hug!"

the boy smiled, "hi Lola, how're you?"

they embraced, Lola squeezing the boy. " i'm better now that my favorite boy is here!" she said as the pulled away.

Nini perked up, popping her head out from the kitchen, "hey! she's mine Bowen!"

Ricky and Lola laughed, "i wouldn't dream of stealing her babe!"

Ricky had grown close with Nini's family over the past few months. with his father working all the time, he often spent most of his time at his girlfriends house. Carol and Dana always made him stay for dinner and desert, Lola had taken a liking towards the curly haired boy.

Nini emerged from the kitchen, grabbing Ricky's hand on her way to the stairs, "okay well we have homework to get done. we'll be down for dinner!"

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now