accidents happen

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it all happened so fast.

Nini was driving home from work, she was supposed to meet Ricky at their apartment but the traffic was bad. she started to go through the green light at the intersection when a car came flying through and t-boned her. the next thing she knew she was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.

Nini floated in and out of consciousness as the doctors in the emergency room worked around her. she didn't think she was injured to bad, her face was bleeding and she had a killer headache but besides that nothing else hurt too bad.

she couldn't believe this happened. in all her years of driving she never had an accident. she started to cry, not from the pain but from the fear. she had been driving Ricky's volkswagen beetle. he loved that car, it was a gift from his dad when he got his license when he was 16. he was gonna be so upset. her subaru had been in the shop so she had been taking Ricky's car to work all week, just her luck.

Nini was getting stitched up, she had a pretty serious gash just above her eyebrow. she could hear the sound of shoes squeaking as someone ran across the room.

"i'm looking for my girlfriend! Nina Salazar-Roberts, she was in a car accident. i got a call she was hers."

it was Ricky.

a moment later, the curtain opened and she finally saw him. his eyes widened as he looked at her, taking in her physical appearance.

"oh Nini..." his voice quivered as he moved to pull her gently into his arms, the doctor having finished her stitches. he placed a kiss in her blood soaked hair.

Nini let her tears fun freely as he held her in his arms. her fingers gripped his arm as she cried into his zip up hoodie. he rubbed her arm as she cried, trying to comfort her. he knew she was scared and in shock.

"i'm sorry." she choked out.

Ricky pulled away to look her in the eyes, pushing some of her hair behind her ears, "for what?"

Nini sniffled and wiped a tear away, "i destroyed your car. you love that car, it was a gift from Mike and i ruined it. you probably hate me, i know i do." she turned her face away from him, not wanting him to look at her.

"hey," Ricky placed his finger under her chin, turning her face to look at him, "Nini, i'm not mad. i couldn't care less about the car. it was an old piece of crap anyway. i care more about you and that you're safe. i can always get a new car, i can't get a new Nini."

she smiled sweetly at him as he brought her lips to his, giving her a sweet kiss. he was so glad she was okay. to say he wasn't upset about losing his car was an understatement, of course he was upset; that was his first car, plus he had so many amazing memories with Nini in that car but that didn't matter. all that mattered was that she was okay, she was alive and with him.

"what happened?" he asked as they sat together for a moment.

"i was coming through the intersection at my green light and somebody blew through their red light and hit me on the drivers side. i don't remember much cause i passed out. i remember them hitting me, the window broke and the glass cut my face. i hit my head when the airbag went off. i don't remember the paramedics getting me out of the car but i remember being in the ambulance and then being here."

Ricky shook his head in disbelief, "god Nini, i'm so glad you're okay. i was terrified when i got the call. i made my boss drive me here cause i was so scared, i needed to see you as soon as possible."

Nini placed her hand against his cheek, rubbing her thumb against his soft skin, "i'm okay baby, a little shaken up but i'm okay."

Ricky have her a lopsided grin as the doctor came in to explain everything to her.

"so Nina, you have a mild concussion. you will need to be monitored closely for the next 24 to 48 hours to watch for side effects. you also have two fractured ribs and obviously that cut above your eyebrow. now i've sent in a prescription for some pain meds and i see that your emergency contact is here now so will you be able to be taken care of for the next few days?"

Ricky perked up, "ah yes, i'll take good care of her."

the doctor grinned slightly, "okay then, i'll get started on the discharge papers and you'll be good to go."

Ricky turned back to Nini after the doctor left the room. he grabbed her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles.

"i love you, you know that?" he said softly.

Nini nodded, "i know. i love you too."

Ricky's eyes filled with tears, "i don't know what i would've done if i'd lost you. you're my best friend Nina."

Nini smiled softly, tears filling her own eyes. he was scared of losing her. "hey, i'm not going anywhere anytime soon. you're stuck with me."

"that sounds great."

Ricky helped her get in and out of the car safety. he had called Mike to come pick them up and bring them back for their apartment. Nini was woozy from the accident and the concussion. he held her tightly as they walked down the hallway to their apartment. she swayed lightly as they stood at the door, Ricky's hand against her back.

they got inside, Ricky immediately taking her to lay down in their bed before going to get her some water. he returned and she was all curled up in the bed, her eyes already drooping from the pain meds.

he smiled as he set the glass on her nightstand, sitting on the edge of her side of the bed, running his hand over her hair. she hummed at the sensation as her eyes closed.

"i love you so much Nini. you scared me today. god, i don't want to live without you. i can't live without you." Ricky said quietly to the sleepy girl.

she grinned sleepily up at him, her eyes opening slightly, "can we get married?"

Ricky chuckled at his drugged up girlfriend, "i'd like nothing more Nini."

content with his answer, Nini closed her eyes again and settled in to the pillows, "okay cool."

once he knew she was asleep, Ricky got up and moved to his dresser. he riffled through his top drawer for a minute, finding the small velvet box, passing it between his hands for a moment before moving to sit in the chair across from their bed.

he popped open the lid of the box while he stared at his sleeping girlfriend. he glanced down at the simple diamond ring nestled into the box, setting it down in his lap.

"someday soon Nini, i'll make you my wife. i promise."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now