my whole world

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Ricky had this really cheesy habit of taking Nini's face into his hands and telling her that she was his whole world since they started dating in high school. it just happened to carry on throughout their relationship.


Nini was standing at her locker, putting her books into her bag that she needed for the day. she felt a tap on her shoulder and looked to her side to see her boyfriend leaning on the locker next to hers. she smiled shyly.

"hi." she whispered.

his lip curled up in that little side smile that she moves so much, "hi."

they'd only been dating for about a month. they'd finally taken the jump from just friends to something more when they were out for ice cream over the summer, Nini had made a mess of her face and Ricky's thumb reached out to wipe the vanilla treat from the side of her mouth when he leaned in and kissed her. she kissed back and it had been set in stone since.

she closed her locker and leaned against it to look at him, "do you wanna hang out at my house tonight? i have rehearsal until 4:30 but we can hang out after."

Ricky nodded, "i'll come pick you up from rehearsal. we can go get dinner after."

Nini smiled sweetly, she loved when Ricky planned impromptu dates. Nini bent down to pick up her backpack, swinging it over her shoulders and moving to walk to her first class, Ricky's hand grabbing her wrist stopping her.

she turned back to look at him as he smirked, "you know, i can fit the whole world in my hands."

Nini cocked her head confusingly, "huh? how?"

his hands cupped her cheeks and Nini felt her skin heat up, "you're my whole world Nini."

she smiled as he leaned in to kiss her softly before the broke apart and walked hand in hand to class.


Ricky watched her from across Ashlyn's living room. they had all reconvened together for spring break. it was the second semester of junior year and Nini had been studying at the YAC for the past few months. while they talked almost every day and he came to visit as much as possible, he had missed seeing her in person.

she tossed her head back as she laughed heartily. her hair was in loose curls, it was a little shorter than it used to be. he smiled at her laugh, he missed that sound. she spotted him from across the room, smiling as she walked towards him.

he grinned as she sat in his lap, her arms looping around his neck, "hi baby."

she grinned at his nickname for her, she always loved when he called her baby. she nuzzled into his neck, "hi, i've missed being in your arms."

his strong arms wrapped tighter around her slim waist. he loved holding her in his arms, he never wanted to let her go.

he kissed her lightly and cupped her cheeks as he pulled away, "you're my whole world."

she smiled widely, "i love you more than anything."


its junior year of college and Nini is performing as Sophie in Mamma Mia! Ricky is there on opening night to cheer her on. he watches her sing and dance her heart out on the stage at Columbia, his heart swelling with love for his girlfriend.

as soon as the house lights come up, Ricky quickly makes it out to the lobby to wait for her. it takes almost 15 minutes but she finally steps out into the lobby, her eyes frantically searching for him. she spots him and squeals as she runs to him, Ricky picking her up in his arms and spinning her around.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now