domestic bliss

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Ricky always wanted a big family. growing up as an only child was lonely so he wanted to have a bunch of kids to fill a gigantic house.

Nini made that dream come true.

she always wanted a big family too. when they got married, the decided they'd make it happen.

Ricky and Nini were that couple that everybody wanted to be. they were high school sweethearts, went to college together and got married after they graduated. they both taught at East High, Ricky taught music and Nini taught theatre. they purchased a colonial style house (Nini's choice of course) about 10 minutes away from the high school. they have a beautiful family. they have three kids and one on the way. Emelia is their oldest, she's 8, then there's Grace, she's 6, and then there's Margaret who's 3. Nini is pregnant with their fourth child, a little boy. Ricky and Nini love their girls but they couldn't deny that they were excited to finally have a boy.

Ricky came through the front door, the sound of his girls running around was music to his ears. Grace ran past him and he scooped her up into his arms, the little girl squealing.

"ah! my little Gracie!" he pulled the girl to his chest as he walked into the living room to see his two other girls. Emelia and Margaret were on the floor, the two girls playing.

Ricky set Grace down and watched his girls for a moment. he went into the kitchen to see Nini standing at the island going through the mail.

"oh! hi baby! did you have a good day? i didn't see you today, i was so busy. i left early to pick up the girls." Nini said as she moved from her spot to kiss Ricky hello.

"mm, hi honey. it was a good day. the kids were so excited to be starting a new guitar unit. i love seeing them so passionate, it reminds me why i teach in the first place."

Nini smiled as she wrapped her arms around her husbands waist. Ricky sighed into the hug, feeling relaxed. he could feel the slight curve of Nini's stomach between them, a smile coming to his face. he pulled away slightly, his hands coming to hold her stomach.

"god i can't wait to meet him."

Nini smiled as she placed her hands over Ricky's. she was only about two months along but because she was so naturally small, the bump came early as they did with all her pregnancies. if you caught her at just the right angle, you could see it.

"how is my little boy today?" Ricky cooed, ducking down to face his wife's belly.

Nini giggled as she placed her hand in his hair, the cool metal of her wedding ring against his head. his curls has thinned out a little, partially due to getting older but mostly due to the fact that he was a father to three rambunctious little girls. Nini always loved his curls, they were just not as fluffy anymore.

Ricky stood back up when the girls came running into the kitchen, Nini chiming into their yelling to tell them to calm down.

"girls! girls! dinner will be ready soon, go wash up."

Ricky loved seeing Nini with his kids. he always knew she'd be an amazing mom. she was so gentle and loving, the girls absolutely adored her and she was so ready for anything they threw at her. she was the most prepared mother on earth. he smiled as she showed them away to wash their hands, he loosened his tie, watching Nini as she paced around the kitchen, plates of food sitting on their countertops.

family dinners were very important to the couple. even though their girls were young, they already had so much going on in their schedules. Ricky and Nini both taught high school, Emelia had just recently begun cello lessons, Gracie was taking dance, and little Margaret was always being shipped off to play dates. with the new baby coming, moments like these were going to be few.

they ate as they talked about their days, they laughed and shared stories and Ricky slipped the girls some desert. then after dinner it was play time. Ricky and Nini always took their girls outside to play after dinner. sometimes they'd play in the yard, sometimes they'd all go for a walk around the neighborhood, sometimes they'd go to the park. tonight, Ricky was teaching Emelia how to skateboard and Nini was playing tag with Margaret and Grace.

"oh Maggie! get Gracie!" she yelled to her youngest as she waddled through the yard.

Nini caught sight of her husband and her oldest out in the road. Ricky was holding onto his daughter for dear life as he helped her glide down the street on his board.

"okay Emmy, i'm gonna let go and you have to use your foot to push you along okay?"


Nini watched as Ricky let go of Emelia and her heart stopped for a moment before she saw her daughter gracefully keep moving. she laughed as her husband cheered from the road and ran to grab his daughter when she finally stopped the board.

Nini smiled as she overlooked her family, her hand coming to rest on her small bump. "you're coming into one great family kid."

after the girls were done playing, it was time to get ready for bed. Nini gave Maggie a bath while Ricky made sure Gracie was brushing her teeth and getting her pjs on. Emelia was good about getting herself ready for bed.

Nini put Maggie down in her crib and kissed her quickly, Ricky doing the same. they shut the door and moved on to Grace's room.

"goodnight my sweet girl." Nini leaned down to kiss the little curly haired girl goodnight.

"goodnight my Gracie." Ricky kissed the child on her nose, the girl laughing.

"night mommy! night daddy!" the little girl blew her parents kisses as they closed her door.

Emelia was sitting up in her bed, her eyes moving quickly as she read a book. she was so much like Nini, Ricky couldn't help but chuckle. Nini knocked lightly on the door frame.

"hi baby. it's time for bed."

the little girl pouted lightly, that was all Ricky. she set her book down on her night table and settled into her bed as Nini came to tuck her in.

Nini leaned down, kissing Emmys forehead. Ricky patted down her hair before doing the same.

"goodnight my little Emmy." Ricky said as he kissed her again.

"goodnight daddy, i love you."

Ricky smiled, "i love you too babygirl."

the two parents walked to the door, Nini switching off the light, "love you honey." she heard her daughters quiet response before she closed the door behind her.

Nini retreated to their en-suite bathroom as she removed her makeup from the day, Ricky changing out of his work clothes into pajama pants and a tee shirt. Nini returned into the room a while later in a silk pajama set, her little bump prominent in the small camisole top. Ricky smiled as she climbed into bed next to him. he pulled her into his arms, Nini sighing contently as she wrapped her hand around his curls.

his lips grazed her bare shoulder and she shivered lightly. "i love you." he said quietly, his face buried in her neck, trailing soft kisses there.

Nini hummed in response, her eyes closed slightly, "i love you too Ricky."

he flipped her around to give her a proper kiss. she let herself be taken with him as she cupped his face and returned his kisses. moments like these were the only time they had together just the two of them. there were no kids, no noise, no distractions. just them.

it was perfect.

A/N: hi, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i know it's kinda boring, i'm sorry. i haven't had much inspiration lately with all this stuff about the coronavirus going around. i actually just found out a few days ago that i'm not allowed to return to my campus for the rest of the school year so my freshman year of college is officially over and i'm pretty sad about it :(

if you guys have any ideas of anything you want to read about please let me know! you can comment or message me and i will try to write something! i LOVE hearing your ideas and i want to write things that you all want to read!! thank you!! love you all!!!

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