the future (3)

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this is the final chapter of my three part series on assault. i want to thank all of you for reading this series and helping me shed light on the victims and survivors of sexual assault. again, i want to mention that i do use the "R" word a few times in this chapter. this is the story of how a survivor doesn't move on from the event it's self, but instead learns to live this new life of theirs. if you need help, has wonderful resources or you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE to speak to an advocate for abuse victims. thank you all for supporting this series, thank you for supporting me, i hope you enjoy this final part. i support you and i'm here for you🤍


the week leading up to James's sentencing hearing was hard for Nini. people around school looked at her differently. some people looked at her sadly, while other people like James's teammates taunted her and called her names.

when the day of the hearing finally came, Nini asked Kim if she could make a Victims Impact Statement. she wanted to tell him that what he did to her ruined her life, she wanted to get the final word. Mr Haver, James's attorney, attempted to get a plea deal of only serving a year in a detention facility and five years on parole, Nini disagreed to the deal, claiming that he could just do it again. he needed to learn his lesson.

she stood in the court room on a Tuesday morning, Dana, Carol, and Ricky all beside her as she prepared to make her statement. Ricky rubbed her back as James came into the courtroom, this time dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

Judge Mayfield presided once again over the case as he sat in his chair, "Mr Miller, you are here today to learn of the time you will be serving on your first degree charges. it is my understanding that before we start, Ms Nina Salazar-Roberts has a statement she would like to make. Ms Salazar-Roberts, you may approach the stand."

Nini sighed as Ricky handed her the piece of paper that had her statement on it. she squeezed his hand as she stood to walk in front of the judge.

she took a deep breath as she glanced at her paper, "on the night of September 20th, i attended a party that changed my life. Mr James Miller grabbed me, pulled me into a bedroom, and proceeded to rape me over the span of 15 minutes. those are the worst 15 minutes of my life. up until that time, i had always been vigilant, always aware of my surroundings. i never imagined that i'd be a victim of such a horrible act. i was unable to be touched for weeks after your hands were on my body, i couldn't sleep because i could still see your face when i closed my eyes, after you attacked me in the hallway at school, i feared even leaving my house, knowing that you very well could've been waiting for me at every corner. i know that you are very capable of doing this to another girl, you may have very well have done this before me, i might just be the first one to hold you accountable for it. that is why you need to serve the longest possible sentence for your crimes, so that you can't do this to any other girls, ever again."

the court room was silent as Nini took a moment, quiet sobs coming out as she pointed at her assailant. she wiped her tears and took a deep breath, "i need you to know one thing; you did not break me. i hold the power here. i am bigger than you. i get to walk out of here and go home to my family and my friends and you get to go back to a cold, dark cell where you will rot for the foreseeable future. you may have put me down, but you will not stop me. i will get better, stronger, i will keep fighting against you. i will beat you until the end of time. i'm stronger than you, i win, you lose. i will always win."

Nini folded her paper and marched back to her seat in the front row. her moms hugged her tightly and she wrapped her arms around Ricky, holding onto him tightly as a few tears fell.

Mr Haver made a statement in response for his client, the judge hearing him out. finally though, it was time for the sentence.

Judge Mayfield cleared his throat, "this was a tough case. it's always hard when young people come into my court room, but this one was different. see, i have a young daughter and i certainly don't want men like you Mr Miller to be around when she's older. you are not a man, you are a predator. you prayed on a sixteen year old girl at a party, someone who was vigilant and wanted nothing to do with you. you are a monster among men and you have to pay for that. in the state of Utah, rape as well as sexual abuse of a minor carry first degree charges, sexual misconduct and sexual activity with a sixteen year old are third degree felony charges. that being said, i remand you to serve life in prison for the first degree charges with an extra five years for the third degree charges. you better get used to jail son, cause that's where you will be for the rest of your life. this case is now closed. good luck Ms Salazar-Roberts, i'll be rooting for you."

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