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Ricky never thought that he'd get the chance to prove himself to Nini, let alone nearly 6 years after their breakup. having moved out to LA to go to USC for college, he was living in an apartment in the city with Red, EJ, and their roommate from college Danny.

Nini went to New York for school, leaving everybody back home to pursue her dream of being on Broadway. unfortunately, the city of dreams crushed her dreams. she had a hard time trying to make ends meet while going out for auditions so she packed it up and headed out west for a job opportunity working in a production office as an assistant on tv shows. that's how she ran into Ricky.

he's been working as a music producer for tv studios, creating mixes for tv shows and soundtracks for low budget movies. he was in the office of one of his new projects, a new teen tv show, when he ran into Nini after his meeting. they started talking and agreed to get dinner to catch up. let's just say, there was less dinner and more dessert, if you know what i mean.

it wasn't fun, sneaking around. they didn't necessarily enjoy it. they just didn't want to hear their friends talk about their relationship and want all the details. they just wanted to be left alone.

they spent most nights at Nini's place, avoiding the outside world and Ricky's roommates and since she lived alone, they didn't have to worry about hiding or being interrupted. they did occasionally stay at his place though, mostly when they knew the guys would be out late or would be sleeping late so Nini could sneak out.

that didn't mean the guys weren't suspicious though. they hadn't been caught yet, but they'd come close. the first time the guys started to suspect that Ricky was seeing somebody was after they returned from a weekend trip to San Francisco, which Ricky stayed home from because of a "work obligation" (code for he wanted the apartment alone with Nini). EJ barged into Ricky's room while he was sitting at his desk, mixing a piece. the older boy immediately caught sight of the lace bralette that was stuck between the boys mattress and footboard.

"dude?! did you have a girl here this weekend?!" EJ yelled loudly.

Ricky stood up from his desk, sighing as he marched to his roommate, ripping the item from his hands before shoving it into a drawer, "it's none of your business if i did."

EJ smirked, "was she hot?"

"i'm not talking about this. i have work to do." Ricky said as he sat back down at his desk.

the older boy chuckled before walking out into the hallway. Ricky shook his head as the older boy yelled, "GUYS! RICKY HAD A HOOK UP THIS WEEKEND!"

he stayed in his room for most of the night until his phone dinged, alerting him of a text. he smirked while reading it before standing up and gathering his work bag, throwing a few things into it and digging the clothing item out of his drawer, sticking it in his backpack. he grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet before slipping on his vans and walking out into the hallway, closing his bedroom door behind him.

"hey guys, there's a problem with my piece. i gotta go into the studio, i'll probably be there until late so don't wait up for me." he said as he stood at the door.

the guys waved him off from their spot on the living room couch. Ricky chuckled before leaving the apartment. the 20 minute ride to her apartment was new familiar, basically able to drive there in his sleep.

he let himself into the apartment using the key she'd given him weeks ago. it was dark but he could see a light down the hallway. he slipped off his shoes by the door and made his way down the hallway. he smirked a little when he turned the corner into her bedroom, seeing his girlfriend laid out on the bed, dressed in nothing but one of his button down shirts.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now