with a little hope (2)

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Nini sighed and brushed her hair behind her ear as she picked up Hope's toys. she'd just put her down for a nap. she'd taken a leave from work and Ricky had just gone back.

they'd brought home Hope a few months ago. she was the best thing that ever happened to them. Nini and Ricky loved that little girl with their whole beings. she was doing well, growing everyday and advancing in everything. she was almost five months old and Nini was still star struck over the fact that she finally had a baby.

while Hope was a good baby, she was still a baby. she was rambunctious at only four and a half months and she loved to make noise and play. Nini loved that but she was tired.

she had been feeling a little run down lately. she only hoped that she wasn't getting sick, she didn't want to get her daughter sick.

she sighed hearing the door open, "sweetheart, i'm home!" Ricky's voice floated through the house, Nini shuffling to the front door.

Ricky kisses her temple as he pulled her into his arms, "hey. how was your day?"

Nini sighed as she pulled away, "it was good. Hope went down for a nap so i'm just trying to clean but i'm so tired." Nini stifled a yawn as Ricky rubbed her back.

Nini felt herself draining in energy as the day went on. Ricky was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, Hope sitting on the rug in the living room. Nini was leaning against the kitchen counter, breathing heavily.

Ricky placed his hand on her lower back, "babe? you okay?"

Nini nodded quickly, regretting it as she became nauseous, "i'm fine. i think it's something i ate. i'm really tired, i think i'm gonna head to bed early. can you put Hope to bed?"

Ricky agreed as he placed a kiss to her forehead, lingering a moment to check for a fever. he sent her upstairs as he continued to pick up.

Nini made a mental note to call her doctor tomorrow as she climbed into bed.

she woke up the next morning nauseous, again. Ricky kisses her goodbye, informing her that he was bringing Hope to his dads house so Nini could go to the doctor. he had called and got her in to see her doctor that morning.

Nini got ready and drove the short distance to her doctors office. she waited for a while before being called back. she sat on the plastic covered table, a knock interrupting her thoughts.

"hi Nina, it's nice to see you again. how's Ricky and the baby?" the doctor asked, closing the door behind her.

Nini smiled slightly, "hi Dr Greene, they're good."

"what brings you in today?" Dr Greene asked as she sat in front of Nini.

Nini sighed, "well my obstetrician put me on a new birth control a couple months ago but i've been having weird symptoms since starting it. they've gotten worse lately. i'm nauseous and tired all the time."

"okay well, let's have a look at your tests and see if we can find anything." Dr Greene turned to look at the file on the counter, silence filling the room.

Nini fiddled with her ring as the doctor looked over her file. her head perked up when her doctor let out a confused sound.

"is everything okay?" she asked, concerned.

Dr Greene turned back to Nini, "well, i don't know how to say this Nina...you're pregnant."

Nini's jaw dropped. she was so confused. she thought she couldn't have a baby?

"i'm sorry? what did you say?"

Dr Greene chuckled, "Nina, you're pregnant. according to your test results, you're about two months pregnant. we'll need to stop your birth control and get you started on prenatal vitamins."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now