college years

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Nini opens the door to her shared apartment and sets her bag and keys by the door. she called out for her boyfriend, "Ricky, baby i'm home!"

Ricky padded out to the living room from his bed room down the hall, "hi baby. how was your class?" Ricky pulled Nini against him, kissing her hello.

"it was good. professor Karen is letting me sing in the showcase at the end of the semester!"

Ricky gripped Nini's hips, "that's great baby! i'm so proud of you!"

Ricky leaned in and kissed her. he loved showing her how proud he was by being affectionate. the two stood there in the living room kissing, hands roaming each other when the front door opens.

"ugh, can you not do that right in the middle of the living room. there are other people that live here ya know."

the couple broke apart when one of their roommates, Big Red, walked in. the couple are students at University of Utah. both are juniors, Nini is a theatre major and Ricky is a music education major. they had lived in separate dorms during the first two years of college before deciding to get a campus apartment together. they moved into a four bedroom campus apartment with their friends Red, Ashlyn and Seb. the couple often got yelled at for being too affectionate around their roommates.

Nini's moms were not that happy when their daughter told them she was moving into an apartment with her boyfriend at only 20 years old. sure they loved Ricky but they were also worried that he would break their daughters heart again.

they liked living together. they knew eventually they were going to live alone with just the two of them so they figured they'd get a taste of it now. so far it was pretty enjoyable. since they shared a room, it got tricky when they had a fight. Ricky would spend nights on the couch if they fought but that didn't happen often.

they needed to find three roommates to fill up the apartment so obviously Red was Ricky's choice and Ashlyn was Nini's first choice. Seb had recently had a problem with his roommate and needed a place to live so naturally he ended up there.

the couple laughed and parted after Red's appearance. Nini grabbed her bag, going down the hall to the room she and Ricky shared. it was quite the room. Nini had her playbills and pictures up on one wall, Ricky had his posters and skating pictures on the other wall. the decor of the room was very mixed. Nini had all her brightly colored pillows on top of the dark blue comforter that belonged to Ricky.

she set her bag on the edge of the bed and walked to the dresser to take off her jewelry. Ricky came and leaned against the door frame, watching as his girlfriend braided her hair.

"what're you looking at?" she giggles

Ricky just smirks, "you're just so beautiful."

Nini smiles as she walks over to Ricky. she grasps his hands, pulling him into her.

"i love you."

Ricky smiles, "i love you too."


"it's movie night bitches!" Ashlyn called out on her way to the living room

they had an annual movie night every friday in the apartment. it was a time to relax and rest after the long work and school week. Ashlyn carried bowls of different chips into the living room while Red grabbed the drinks. Seb and Carlos were already cuddled up on the loveseat when Ricky and Nini appeared from the hallway.

"ah the love birds have decided to join us! what? you get bored doing it?" Carlos stated from his seat

Ricky gave him a look as Nini blushed, "hey watch it!" he pointed.

Nini went to the kitchen while Ricky took a seat in the large arm chair. she returned and sat in his lap. he put his arm around her as she curled herself into him.

"tonight's showing! Dirty Dancing!" Carlos proclaimed as the movie started

only Ricky could hear it as Nini squealed when the movie started. he knew it was one of her all time favorites. the two quietly recited their favorite lines to each other and Nini sung all the songs in the soundtrack in a quiet whisper to Ricky.

when it neared the end of the film, the final dance scene started which is the couples favorite part of the movie.

"nobody puts baby in a corner." Ricky whispered in Nini's ear before placing a kiss to the back of her neck. she turned and ran her hands through his curls quickly. that was her way of quietly saying 'i love you.'

Ricky and Nini sung along to 'i've had the time of my life' quietly as he hugged her closer to him, Nini played with the ring on her boyfriends index finger.

when the movie was over, Nini whispered something in Ricky's ear. the two shot out of their seat as Nini grabbed her boyfriends hand.

"uh, we're heading in for the night."

Ashlyn spoke first, "yeah yeah, we all know what you're doing. just don't be loud please. some of us have to work in the morning."

Nini blushed as she hurried down the hall. Ricky closing the door behind them. Nini turned the lights down as they stripped down and got into bed. Nini preferred to sleep in one of Ricky's shirts, something about it being comforting. after slipping on her favorite one, she crawled into her side of the bed, the gigantic comforter engulfing her. Ricky laughed as he crawled into the opposite side. he wrapped his arms around Nini as she curled into his side. he pulled her him, caressing her back as she breathed against his chest.

she sighed in contentment as his hand moved up and down her back. she wrapped her arms around his waist, cuddling him close. this was their favorite thing to do. after a stressful week, they loved to just cuddle and be in each other's presence.

they were perfectly happy together. they were home.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now