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Nini was searching through the bedroom looking for her lost diamond earring. they were her favorite pair, Ricky had gotten them for her as a graduation present when they graduated from college a few years ago.

"where the hell is it?!" Nini spoke out loud as she riffled through the dresser drawers.

she was going through her boyfriends top drawer of his dresser in desperate hopes of finding the earring. she moved over some of his shirts and found a velvet square box. her breath caught in her throat as she opened the box, already knowing what was inside.

Nini gasped when she saw the shiny diamond square cut ring with several small diamonds surrounding it. she quickly closed the box and put it back where she found it, abandoning her search for her earring. instead, she reached for her phone to call her friend.


"Gina! oh my god you're not gonna believe what i just found!"

Nini had a feeling that Ricky would propose soon. they had talked about marriage before but never set anything in stone.

"what is it?"

"Gina, it's a ring! i was looking for my earring and i was digging through Ricky's dresser looking for it and i found a fucking engagement ring! did you know he was going to propose?"

"no i didn't. but what are you doing talking to me? go get your man!"

the girls said their goodbyes as Nini double checked herself in the mirror. this was going to be a special night, Ricky was finally going to propose.

he was waiting by the door when she came out, all ready to go. Ricky excused himself, saying he forgot his wallet in their bedroom, Nini squealed slightly, knowing that was just a lie so he could go get the ring.

they walked hand in hand down to his car, the drive to the restaurant mostly quiet except for Nini's nervous humming.

the dinner was nice. Ricky has picked a quiet and dark Italian restaurant. Nini smiled at him as she sipped her white wine over desert, she was waiting for him to start his speech any minute.

"hey Neens?"

her breath hitched, "hmm?"

Ricky chuckled as he leaned forward and brushed a piece of sauce off the side of her mouth. Nini tried to act like she wasn't thrown off when he didn't speak much after that, definitely not proposing.

the car ride home was more tense than before. Ricky didn't know why she was suddenly so stand offish. dinner had been amazing, they laughed and chatted, she seemed happy so what had changed?

when they pulled up in front of their condo, Nini slammed the car door behind her, hastily unlocking their front door. Ricky watched in confusion as she stomped around their living room as he closed the door behind himself.

he followed her into the bedroom, "okay, what the hell is going on with you?"

she slammed her dresser drawer shut as she pulled out some leggings and a shirt so she could get ready for bed. she began pulling her long hair into a bun on top of her head, "nothing. i'm fine."

Ricky scoffed as he walked further into the room, "like hell you are Nini. you were fine all dinner, what happened?"

she ignored his question while she slipped into the bathroom to change, coming back out a few minutes later in the change of clothes with a bare face, freshly cleaned with a makeup wipe.

she stepped around him to try to leave the room but he grabbed her wrist, "let go of me Ricky."

"no, not until you tell me what's bothering you." he begged as he looked her in the eyes.

Nini resisted the tears that began to flood her eyes, she didn't want to cry over this. Ricky cupped her face in his hands as his thumbs brushed her tears away.

she sniffled, "i thought you were gonna propose tonight." she said quietly.

Ricky ducked down to see her face better, "what?"

Nini took a deep breath and pushed away from her boyfriends arms, "i was looking for my earring earlier before we left and i opened your drawer and found the ring. i thought when you said you left your wallet in here, you were coming in to grab the ring. i waited all dinner for you to pop the question but you never did."

Ricky sighed and moved to his dresser, pulling open a drawer and digging out the tiny velvet box, "i can't believe you found it. i never thought you'd go through my drawers." he chuckled.

Nini smiled sadly, she didn't want to see that ring anymore tonight if it wasn't going to be on her finger anytime soon.

"Neens, i was planning on doing some big grand gesture, take you to a really fancy restaurant, we were gonna go for a drive to our favorite park, i was gonna decorate the gazebo with those fairy lights you like and make this huge speech that i've had planned for months and get down on one knee."

Nini looked down at her hands as she chipped at her fingernails, "well, you can still do the speech." she whispered.

"yeah?" he asked.

she nodded and Ricky took a deep breath, "i never thought that when i met you that first day of kindergarten, that we'd spend the rest of our lives together. every day we spend together is better than the last, and every day i'm away from you is horrible. i never want to be away from you. i always want you to be the first person i see when i wake up and the last person i see before i go to bed. i want to spend my life with you, i want to have a family with you, i want everything with you, all the good times and the bad. you're my Nini and i want to be with you forever, please make me the happiest man." Ricky gets down on one knee in the middle of the bedroom, "Nina, will you marry me?"

Nini had tears rolling down her cheeks, she nodded excitedly, "yes! yes Ricky, i'll marry you!"

he smiles widely, tears in his own eyes, "really?!"


Ricky stands and holds Nini's hand, slipping the ring onto her finger. she smiles and lets out a slight sob as she looks at the ring sitting on her finger. she wraps her arms around Ricky's neck, encasing him in a bone crushing hug. they pull away slightly, Nini leaning in. they meet in the middle in a passionate kiss, her fingers threading through his curls at the back of his head. his hands gripped her hips as they kissed several times in the middle of their bedroom. they finally pulled away for air, letting out breathy laughs and giggles as their foreheads remained together.

"i love you so much, future mrs Bowen." Ricky said in a quiet whisper.

Nini smiled softly, "i love you so much more...even if you made me wait all night to get the ring."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now