prom night

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senior prom was something Nini had been looking forward to since middle school. an excuse to buy a fancy dress, get her hair and nails done, have a handsome boy to dance with.

she squealed excitedly as A Night To Remember from HSM3 came on her prom playlist, the girls in her room all jumping around and dancing as they got ready. Kourtney, Ashlyn, and Gina all came to Nini's house to get ready, their dates promising to meet them at the girls house.

Nini stood in front of her floor length mirror, smoothening out her bright red dress. it was a floor length lace dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, flaring out in a mess of fabric and lace at her hips. she touched up her hair and double checked her makeup as the girls helped each other with their dresses.

Kourtney came to stand beside her in her dark purple gown, "you look beautiful. Ricky is gonna lose his mind when he sees you."

Nini resisted her blush as she thought of her long time boyfriend. they were going on a steady 2 years of dating, both deciding to go off to college together at Berkeley in LA in the fall. their relationship was as strong as ever and they were so in love. Nini had thought for years about how her senior prom would go and she always envisioned Ricky as her date, her beautiful best friend and the love of her life.

Gina puffed up her curls in the mirror as Nini moved to her bed to grab her clutch for the night. she glanced back at her three best friends before moving to her nightstand. she pulled open the drawer, moving a couple papers to pick up the sleeve of condoms that sat in the drawer. she quickly ripped three off of the line and stuffed them in her clutch. she turned around at the clearing of a throat.

Ashlyn smirked with her arms crossed over her sea foam colored dress, "got plans tonight there Neens?"

Nini's face turned bright red as she avoided her friends eyes, "it's just in case. you never know."

Ashlyn chuckled, "you grab one for just in case, you grab three when you have a plan."

Nini waved off her friends and closed her drawer. Kourtney grabbed her arm as she tried to walk by, "you're only 17, you can't get a hotel room. what's the plan?"

Nini didn't have time to answer as the doorbell rang. she thanked everything holy as she grabbed her clutch and hurried down the stairs as quickly as her heels could take her. Carol had opened the door and let the group of boys in the house.

Nini caught sight of her boyfriend as he stood laughing with Big Red. she smiled when she saw his face light up at something his friend had said.

"Ricky..." she said quietly, loud enough for her boyfriend to hear her.

Ricky turned around at the sound of her voice. he felt like he couldn't breathe as he looked at her. she was stunning. he shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked to where she was standing at the base of the stairs.

" look absolutely gorgeous Neens."

Nini smiled brightly as his hands found her waist, pulling her against him lightly to give her a kiss. they broke apart when her friends came down the stairs, Nini resting her hands on his neck.

"i love you." Ricky whispered as he interlocked their fingers together between them.

"okay kids, i want pictures! everybody out on the porch!" Dana said, ushering the kids out the door.

the group took time posing for multiple pictures. Ricky, Red, EJ, and Howie all did a group photo before the girls took one. they took traditional prom photos as well as silly ones. after about a hundred pictures, Nini finally told her moms that the group needed to go.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now