stay with me forever

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cw: smut...cause we all know what happened when nini went to ricky's place ; )

Nini smiles as she looked at her boyfriend through her phone, "Ricky, where are you right now?"

he furrows his brows, "home, why?"

she chuckles, "stay there."

before he can say anything else, she hangs up and grabs her bag and her ukulele case, heading into the hallway where Miss Jenn was waiting.

"ready to go sweetie?" the woman asks, digging her keys out of her purse.

the brunette girl nods, "um, can you actually take me somewhere else? i uh, need to go somewhere before i go home."

Jenn smiles, "sure, let's go."


Ricky furrows his brows when there's a knock at his door, getting up to open it.

"Neens?! aren't you supposed to be on a bus to Denver right now?!"

the girl smiles brightly, shrugging, "i realized that i am right where i need to be. i don't have to go to a fancy school with kids who go on vocal rest every day. i need to be here with this group of people who love and support me but more importantly...i need to be with you."

he smiles, reaching out to pull her into his arms. Nini gratefully wraps herself in his arms, breathing in his scent. he pulls her closer into the house, closing the door behind them. it's dark in the house, the girl trying to look around.

"where's your dad?"

he shrugs, "he's stuck at work cause of the snow."

"so...we're alone?"

Ricky smirks a little, his hands finding her hips, pulling her closer to him, "all alone."

she smiles coyly, "show me your room?"

his hand finds hers, leading her down the short hallway and opening the door to his bedroom, flipping on the lights. they step around the unpacked boxes, Nini setting her bags down on the floor and taking off her scarf and coat.

they both stand there for a moment before Nini jumps into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck as her lips find his. Ricky eagerly grabs her hips, carrying her to his bed and gently laying both of them down.

she holds his neck as they kiss, their legs tangling together as he squeezes her hips. they break apart to breathe and Nini giggles, biting her lip as he tucks some hair behind her ear.

"do you uh, wanna celebrate me coming home?" she asks, chewing on her bottom lip a little.

Ricky smirks, his hand finding her bare skin under her shirt, "hmm, sounds great."

he leans forward, pressing his lips to hers in a searing kiss, his hands inching further up her toned stomach. she moans a bit into his mouth, parting his lips with hers, their tongues mixing.

they break apart, both sitting up. Ricky pulls Nini's shirts over her head, tossing it to the floor. she peels his hoodie off, raking her fingers over his sculpted stomach.

she pushes him backwards, climbing over his lap. she presses wet kisses across neck and collarbones. she leaves pink marks from her lipstick as she trails down his chest, looking up at him through her lashes.

his eyes are closed in delight but he opens them when he feels her eyes on him, threading his fingers through her hair, bunching up her ponytail. Nini smiles against his skin when she reaches his happy trail, her teeth grazing him which makes him shiver.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now