father's day

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Ricky groaned as he stretched, gently waking up from his deep sleep. he opened his eyes as he rolled over, seeing his wife already awake and sitting up in bed.

"morning baby." he groaned.

Nini looked down at her husband, smiling widely as she saw him, "good morning! happy father's day!" she leaned down and kissed him sweetly on his lips.

Ricky smiled into the kiss and brought his hand to the back of her neck, deepening the kiss between them. Nini placed her hand on his chest, pulling them apart.

Ricky whined at the separation, "Neens."

she laughed at her husbands pouty-ness and moved to get out of bed, "come on, we have an exciting day."

Ricky watched as she left the room before rolling out of bed. he got dressed and sent a happy father's day text to his dad before going downstairs.

Nini was in the kitchen finishing setting out breakfast. he smiled widely as he saw his two daughters sitting at the dining room table. he walked behind their chairs and kissed the tops of their heads, "good morning my beautiful girls."

Ricky's daughters were the highlight of his life. Harper and Bailey came into his life at just the right moments. he and Nini had only been married for a few months when they found out she was pregnant. Harper Malou Bowen was his baby girl, his shining star. when she was 3, they got pregnant again. Bailey Lynn Bowen came out kicking and screaming, she was the more feisty baby. now his girls were growing up, Harper was 9 and Bailey was 6.

"morning daddy!" Bailey said, a toothy grin showing.

"happy father's day daddy!" Harper said excitedly.

Ricky smiled as Nini handed him a plate, "thank you girls! you're too sweet."

the family sat down to eat breakfast, the little girls chatting animately about their dreams from the previous night. once they had all finished eating, Ricky stood up to collect the dishes, Nini stopping him.

"honey hang on," Ricky sat back down, "girls, why don't you give your present to daddy now, hmm?"

the girls smiled widely at their mother before running up the stairs to their rooms, coming back down moments later. Ricky looked at his wife as he saw his kids come back down, a guitar and a mini keyboard in their tiny hands. Nini helped them set up before returning to her seat.

"we wrote you a song daddy, this is for you." Harper said as she got ready to play her guitar.

Ricky watched with tears in his eyes as his daughters played him a song they had written themselves. he'd been teaching Harper guitar while Nini taught Bailey piano, clearly the lessons were working as they played beautifully.

he wipes his hand under his eyes and Nini reaches her hand over to hold his, smiling softly with tears in her own eyes. Ricky told her every day how grateful he is that she gave him their two beautiful girls, telling her how she is an amazing mother. she just wanted to do something for him for once.

the girls finished their song, Ricky and Nini clapping enthusiastically. Ricky got up from his chair to hug his girls.

he pulled away, kissing their cheeks gently, "girls, that was amazing, thank you so much! i love you both more than you know!"

Bailey squealed, "that's not all daddy, mommy has a gift for you too!"

Ricky stood up and turned to his wife, who had a small smirk on her face. she shrugged and reached out her hand for him to take. he intertwined their fingers together and she began to lead him towards the garage.

"what is it Neens?" he asked cautiously.

Nini chuckled, "you'll see in a second babe."

she opened the door leading into their garage, pulling her husband into the cluttered area. Ricky looked around before he spotted a brand new acoustic guitar in a stand in the middle of the garage.

"happy father's day baby." Nini whispered as Ricky turned to her.

he didn't say anything, simply pulling her to him and kissing her passionately. they kissed while the little girls expressed their disgust with their parents, the couple chuckling slightly into each other's lips. they parted and Ricky held her forehead against his, rubbing her cheeks softly.

"you're amazing Neens." he said softly.

Nini gripped his neck, "no, you're amazing. you deserve this after all you do for me and the girls. this is the least i could do to thank you."

Ricky leaned forward and kissed his wife again before going to look at his new guitar. it was one he had been wanting for a while but hadn't gotten because he didn't want to take money away from his three girls, the most important women in his life.

the dark brown wood was beautiful. he carefully picked it up, holding it against his chest as he plucked at the strings, sighing contently as they were already in tune. Ricky ran his fingers over the wooden curves of the guitar, noticing the engraving on the top side of one of the curves. he ducked down to read it closer.

love you till forever, ~N

Ricky looked back up at his wife with tears in his eyes. she was near the door, bent down and talking to their girls. she playfully pulled on Bailey's braid, and flattened the loose curls on Harper's head. he couldn't imagine what his life would be like without the three of them. he didn't want to imagine that.

he had long since wiped his tears, getting up to thank his wife with more kisses. he had spent his afternoon with his father, the two enjoying a quiet afternoon of drinks and a game of golf. he returned home in time to head to dinner with his family.

Nini took him to his favorite restaurant, letting him chose where he wanted to eat. the family laughed together over dinner, Ricky sharing stories about his childhood and his own father. Nini smiled contently as she watched Ricky playfully mess with their girls. he was the greatest father in the world, that she was sure of.

when the girls were distracted by their food, Nini turned to her husband, "you're a great father. i don't tell you that enough."

Ricky smiled softly, "yeah you do. i'm an average father at best."

Nini chuckled and shook her head, "no, you're the best father. and that's that on that."

the couple laughed at her phrasing, momentarily remembering their little moment in a spooky theatre back in high school.

Ricky reached for her hand, "i'm an amazing father because you're an amazing mother."

Nini smiled softly and leaned forward to give him a quick kiss. she rubbed his jaw for a moment afterwards, "you never fail to amaze me, not just the past 9 years that we've been parents but our whole lives. you've always been my favorite person."

"i'll love you till forever." Ricky whispered.

"till forever." Nini confirmed, squeezing his hand three times before turning to look back at their girls.

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