life in pieces

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blended families were often hard to maintain, that wasn't true for the Bowen clan. they were the easiest blended family ever.

almost exactly nine months after Nini found out she was pregnant with Ricky's baby, she went into labor. it was a grueling 16 hours, something she hadn't experienced in almost 12 years.

their daughter Ava Malou Bowen was brought into the world with a gentle cry. she was the easiest baby that they ever had, she hardly cried, she slept through the night right from the start, and she was very easy going.

when they brought her home, Mason and Emma were waiting at the door. the now 11 and 9 year olds were so excited to meet their new sister.

Nini laughed when she saw her kids jumping up and down on the front porch when they pulled in the driveway. Carol and Dana were sitting on the porch swing watching the kids as they excitedly waited for their parents.

Ricky grabbed the car seat while Nini made her way up the porch, "hi my babies! i've missed you two!" she said as she hugged her kids tightly.

"we missed you too mommy!" Emma said as she hugged onto Nini's waist.

Mason tried to peak into the car seat as Ricky came up the porch, Nini trying to open the front door, "i wanna see her pop!" the boy said excitedly.

Ricky chuckled as the family made their way inside, "hang on bud, let's get settled first."

Nini settled herself on the couch in the front living room as Ricky grabbed the baby from the car seat. Mason and Emma sat on either side of Nini as Ricky placed the baby in her arms.

Nini pulled the newborn against her, "you guys, this is Ava."

the two kids looked at their new sister in wonder. Emma was already asking to hold her and Mason already vowed to protect her. they were going to be just fine.


when Mason was 13, Emma was 11, and Ava was 2, Ricky and Nini adopted each other's kids officially.

Nini had decided a while ago that she wanted to adopt Emma and Ricky had sat down with Mason and asked if it would be okay to adopt him. he still had his real dad but now he would have two.

it had been a long process, adoption even through family was a waiting game. it took nearly a year before the papers were finalized and they were standing in front of a family court judge.

they celebrated with a big party with their friends and family. Ricky grilled out back while Nini sipped on her wine glass, chatting animately with her friends. Mason and Emma chases each other in the yard while Mike held baby Ava.

Nini set her glass down and snuck up behind her husband, her arms sneaking around his waist, "hi."

Ricky turned around quickly, "you're not pregnant again, are you?"

Nini chuckled, "why?"

Ricky blushed a little, "nothing, it's just the last time we were in this situation you told me you were pregnant. just making sure."

"well i'm not so you can breathe." Nini said while laughing.

he ran his hand up and down her back gently as they turned to watch their kids. Mason was laughing with EJ and Red, Emma was running around with a few other kids, and Ava was being passed back and forth between Mike and Carol.

Nini hummed contently as she hugged Ricky, "i'm really happy."

he looked down at her, smiling slightly, "yeah?"

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now