ethan (j•o)

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Josh walked out of his trailer. it was 6am in Salt Lake and he was exhausted. Tim had recently told him that he and Olivia could co write a song for the series so the two were on facetime until 2am working on the song. he yawned as he held his cup of coffee up to his lips.

he noticed Olivia coming out of her trailer as well. they were across the way from each other so he could see her coming out. she wasn't alone though. Ethan stepped out behind her, the two holding hands, he kissed her neck quickly and Olivia smiled brightly.

Josh hated that guy. there just was something off about him. he didn't know what it was but he had no right to get in the way. sure he and Liv had chemistry, but they'd only been working together for three months. she and Ethan worked together for over two years on her show. he wished she'd break up with him, which was ridiculous because she was happy. he wanted to be the one holding her hand, he wanted to make her laugh and smile, he wanted to kiss her when nobody was looking.

he hung his head and walked to the makeup trailer. he sat in his seat as his makeup artist Jodie started messing with his hair for the day. Josh was playing ABC by the Jackson Five for his morning pump up jam on his speaker, everyone in the trailer singing along. he looked up in the mirror just as Liv and Ethan came in. she sat in the seat next to his, reaching out for his hand.

"morning Joshy." she said sweetly, using her nickname for him.

he smiled, "morning Livy."

he noticed the way the younger boy eyed him. Josh isn't afraid of Ethan. oh no, he's far from afraid of him. he'd take the kid any day. he just wants Olivia to be happy. he wishes it was with him but it couldn't happen. she had a boyfriend and besides, she just turned 16, she was a child. he was 18, an adult. he could get in so much trouble for being with her.

he snapped out of his thoughts as Jodie dismissed him and sent him to wardrobe. he didn't see Liv or Ethan again until later that day.

they were arguing, again.

every time he came to visit her, they fought-like crazy. they would be good the first few days and then he would get mad and leave SLC angry and Liv would cry. it breaks his heart every time. he tried not to listen but her trailer door was open and he was walking to his.

"i don't understand why we're arguing about this! there's nothing going on between us!" she shouted

"oh yeah? Liv i see the way the guy looks at you! it's obvious he has feelings for you and you don't do anything to stop it!"

his heart dropped into his stomach, they were arguing about him.

"look, there's nothing going on between us i promise! i'm with you!"

there was a pause.

"this isn't working anymore."

Josh panicked. this can't be happening.

"what? what're you talking about?"

he could hear the wobble in Olivia's voice, she was starting to cry.

"us. we don't work anymore. you're out here and i'm in LA, we're too far apart. we're different people now. it may have worked when we were on Bizzardvark but i can't do this anymore. i'm sorry."

Josh quickly moved across the lot to his trailer, still hearing everything.

"Ethan, if you leave now-we will never get back together."

Ethan left.

Josh watched out his window as the boy left the set, getting into his car and driving away. he knew that Liv was probably bawling her eyes out. all he wanted to do was console her.

he was sitting in his trailer an hour later. they didn't need him on set currently. there was a knock on his door, he yelled for the person to come in. he didn't expect to see his 16 year old best friend bundled up in her winter coat, her face tear stained.

"Joshua..." she broke down and started sobbing.

in seconds he was up off the couch and pulling the girl into his arms. he guided her towards the couch sitting her down next to him and helping her slip her coat off.

"he left me." she whimpered

his heart broke into a million pieces as she looked up at him through tearful eyes. he pulled her into his arms again, his chin resting on top of her head, his hands stroking her hair the way he knew she liked. the tiny girl wrapped her arms around him as she sobbed.

"why can't every guy be like you? what's wrong with me?" she asked quietly

Josh pulled her away from him and held her face in his hands, "Olivia Rodrigo, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Ethan's an ass if he's not willing to come all the way here to see you. you need to be enough for him and clearly he doesn't see how amazing you are. i see it every single day."

the two looked at each other for a moment before she leaned in. it happened so quickly that neither of them had time to process what was happening. Olivia's hand flew over her mouth.

"oh my god i'm so sorry."

it wasn't the first time they've kissed, they've had to kiss for a scene quite a few times but this was the first time they weren't acting.

"Liv it's okay, calm down."

Olivia was pacing back and forth throughout the trailer, talking to herself. Josh stood up and turned her around to face him,

"to me, you're perfect."

he pulled her up to meet his lips one more time. Olivia wasted no time, her hands flying towards his face. he held her tight against him, his hands on her waist, Liv's arms snaking around his neck, her fingers threading into his brown curls.

the stayed like that for a few minutes, the two holding each other. Olivia let out a giggle as she pulled her lips away from his.

she bit her lip, "i've been wanting to do that for a while."

Josh smiled, "me too."

she looked down at her feet, Josh still holding her hips, "i've gotta write a song."

Josh chuckled, "of course. you're always writing something."

she smiled at him sweetly as she threaded her fingers through his. everything was going to be okay.

he'd make sure of that.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now