new york with you

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Ricky caught his breath as he stood in front of his apartment door after climbing four flights of stairs. he chuckled to himself as he could hear Nini's favorite album playing behind the door, Lover.

he twisted the knob, shaking his head when he realized it was unlocked. he pushed the door open and stepped in. he closed it behind him as he slipped his shoes off.

"Neens, how many times do i have to remind you to lock the door when i'm not home?" he called out as he walked into the small living room, setting his bag down on the couch.

Nini came out of their bedroom tying her hair up in a bun, she smiled when she saw him, "hi baby, how was your day?"

"good," he mumbled, "did you hear what i said about the door?"

Nini pressed her hands to his hips, leaning up to kiss him softly, "sorry, i always forget." she pulled away from him and moved to the tiny kitchen.

he leaned on the door frame as he watched her put the dry dishes away, "i just worry about you while i'm in my lecture, that's all. i'm gone for an extra three hours, that's a long time for you to be alone in this apartment."

she rolled her eyes playfully at her boyfriends concern, "i'm a big girl Ricky, i can take care of myself."

Ricky smiled slightly, coming up to wrap his arms around her torso and leaning his head on her shoulder, "i know that Neens, i just want to protect you."

Nini's hand passed up to his curls, scratching his scalp lightly as she wiggled her way out of his arms. she walked to their living room, taking his backpack off the couch and setting it on the floor. Ricky moved to sit at the couch as Nini moved to her keyboard by the window. she loved to play quietly while he did his homework or studied, coming up with melodies and playing around with them.

she was playing the chords to a song she had been working on when he spoke for the first time in a few hours, "what're we doing tonight?"

she continued to play, "the gang is coming over for a bit."

Ricky resisted the urge to groan. he loved their friends that had made the move to New York as well but, their apartment was too small the host their rambunctious friends.

"really? are they gonna stay long? i was hoping we could just watch a movie and cuddle tonight." Ricky pouted as his girlfriend finally turned from her keyboard, giggling at his face.

she moved to sit next to him, her hand resting on her first as her elbow leaned over the top of the couch. her other hand played with his fingers, "it'll just be for a couple hours. we'll hang out, have a couple drinks, then i promise you we'll cuddle."

Ricky huffed in response. Nini chuckled at her boyfriend, knowing he was just being stubborn. Ricky packed up his books as Nini moved to the kitchen to prepare snacks for their friends.

not long after, there was a knock on the door before it opened, "hello rini! your favorite gay is here!" Carlos announced as him and Seb walked in.

Nini appeared out of the kitchen, a chip in her mouth as she carried the bowl to the coffee table, "what the fuck is a rini?"

Ricky rolled his eyes, "do you always just walk into peoples apartments? we could've been in the middle of being intimate."

Carlos looked down on the curly haired boy, "well, considering y'all don't have sex i highly doubt that."

"Carlos. stop." Nini warned as she saw Ricky's face growing red with anger. she walked to her boyfriend sitting on the couch, leaning over the back to kiss his head and rub his shoulders.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now