the exception (j•o)

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your hand on my leg
under the oil panted sky
wind blowing through our hair on the 405

Olivia closed her eyes as the wind came in through the open car window. the radio was on, 80s tunes playing as the curly haired boy next to her sang along to them. the sky was a mix of oranges and pinks as the sun set. Josh's hand was clasped tightly around her thigh, his fingers brushing the bare skin under the hem on her dress.

it was date night. he had driven to the short distance to her home in Maravista to pick her up. they'd been home from filming season one for about four months. things were going great between them, they were still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.

Josh was taking her back to his house to spend the weekend. his parents loved when he brought her home. they were a little nervous when their 18 year old son told them he was dating a 16 year old but they had no worries that he wasn't disrespecting her.

traffics at a standstill
it's LA what'd you expect
we're listening to Zeppelin
you're kissing my neck

the car rolled to a stop as they hit bumper to bumper traffic on the 405. Josh hit his hand against the steering wheel.


Olivia giggled at him. she loved when he cursed, something he did often, because his nose scrunched up and it was the cutest thing.

"it's fine. it's rush hour in LA, we knew there'd be traffic. we just get to sit here together." Liv said as she held his hand in her lap.

Josh stared at her from his seat, she looked so beautiful. the pink sky behind her made her skin glow, she looked perfect in this moment. he leaned over to press a kiss to her lips as she giggled slightly.

"Joshy!" she giggled as he kissed down her jaw.

he reached her neck just as Rain Song by Led Zeppelin came on the radio. the slow tune mingled in her ears as his lips worked over her neck. her fingers toyed with the curls at the nape of his neck as he sucked her skin.

her head slipped back slightly, not before noticing the cars moving ahead of them, "Josh...move."

he pressed one more kiss to her neck before he pulled away, noticing the reddish bruise starting to form on his young lovers neck. he smirked as he hit the gas, moving through the traffic.

you cradle me in your arms
in the dark in the back
the moon is lit like the cheshire cat

when they pulled into his driveway, the sun had long since set and the crescent moon shined in the sky. in an attempt to savor their last moments together before they're bombarded by his large family, the crawl into the back seat of his car.

Josh holds her in his arms, Liv sat in his lap. they talked quietly with each other, their faces closely pressed together, Liv playing with his overgrown curls.

"it's hard." she whispered out.

he furrowed his brows, "what's hard?"

Olivia took in a deep breath, "love."

they were silent for a moment. Josh pulling her even closer to his chest. she settled against him, matching her breathing to his calming heartbeat.

"last time i fell in love this fast, i got hurt. i've never been so deeply in love with somebody before. you're all i think about. i'm scared i'm going to wake up one day and it'll all be gone." she said quietly, playing with her fingers.

Josh grabbed her hands and pulled them up to his lips to kiss them, "i don't plan on leaving you anytime soon. so what, loves hard, it doesn't work out for everybody. it didn't work for me before i met you. we work together. we're a team."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now