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another M rated one, read at your own risk. enjoy! :)

Nini rolled over in bed, the warm arms of her boyfriend embracing her as she remembered the events of last night.

Ricky and Nini had celebrated their 6th anniversary. they were all alone in the apartment, Kourtney, Red, and Carlos has all made plans to be out due to the special day. they cooked dinner together, sharing a slice of chocolate cake for desert. they shared gifts; he's gotten her a beautiful ruby heart pendant necklace and she had gotten him a personalized ukulele since she was teaching him to play. then finally, Nini escaped to their bedroom only to return in a lacy bodysuit lingerie piece that Ricky nearly ripped off of her as soon as he saw her.

she smiled, seeing the man she loved curled up next to her. they'd actually made it a whole six years together. LA life was for sure different than SLC life but the only constant was each other and that was enough. she reached her hand up to brush back a few curls that had fallen in his eyes during the night.

Ricky stirred, stretching then grinning when he saw Nini, "morning."

her cheeks flushed as he pulled her flush against him, her tee shirt the only barrier between them, "good morning baby."

he leaned down to kiss her lightly but that quickly escalated. the kiss deepened as she wrapped her arms around his neck, the two rolling around in the light blue sheets. they separated as Ricky came to hover over her.

"you wanna go for round two this morning?" his signature smirk filled his face as she resisted the heat slowly coming up her body.

her fingers rolled a curl in between them, "everybody is here, they'll hear us babe."

Ricky pressed kisses up her neck trailing up to her ear, his breath hot and sultry, "well then, we'll just have to be quiet won't we?"

Nini didn't have the chance to answer before Ricky's lips were pressed onto hers one more time, she didn't resist as his hands gripped her waist. her nails scratched his bare shoulders as he lightly ground into her.

her breath was labored, "Rick, don't tease."

Ricky smiled at the nickname, knowing she only uses it when she's annoyed. his hand found the hem of the large thrifted tee shirt as he pushed it up so her toned stomach was exposed.

"oh Neens, just tell me what you want."

Nini's head tilted back onto the pillows as Ricky's hand played with the lacy fabric of her underwear that she'd slipped on last night. she craved his touch, even though she had it less than 12 hours before she can't get enough of it.

her hand cupped his neck, causing him to look her in the eyes, "jesus Ricky, fucking touch me already."

Ricky let out a light laugh, "anything for you babygirl."

his hand slipped the thin lace material down her legs as she squirmed beneath him. her breath hitched when his fingers found her center.

"god Nini, already?" he chuckled lightly, his fingers stroking gently as the girl melted beneath him.

her back arched into him as she pawed at his chest, "this is what you do to me."

he finally removed the tee shirt from her small body before removing his boxers as well. he settled himself between her open legs, his hands roaming her body as she placed kisses to his neck. they made eye contact before their lips met again, kissing deeply as Ricky pulled himself into her. Nini's fingers left crescent shapes in his shoulders as she moaned out slightly at the feeling.

Ricky's fingers danced lightly over her lips, "shhh, quiet remember?"

Nini nodded quickly as her arms flew above her head, gripping the pillows behind her in her tiny fists. Ricky's mouth trailed down her collarbone and above her breasts, leaving love bites along the way. her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, his pace picking up slightly.

her fingers ran through his messy curls, "god i love you so fucking much." she called out slightly louder than she should've as he grunted in her ear.

he kissed the spot below her left ear, "Neens, fuck, i love you so much baby."

Ricky bit down on her pressure point and Nini moaned out, "Ricky, oh god!"

Nini continued to let out moans and whimpers as Ricky thrusted into her, the boy letting out groans of his own.

"Nini, i'm coming." he spoke out as his head tipped back slightly as his thrusts started to lose rhythm.

Nini's arms wrapped loosely around his neck as she pulled herself against him, "take me there Ricky!"

as they began their climaxes, several loud bangs were heard from the wall, someone was pounding their fist on the wall.


Nini hid her head in her boyfriends neck at the sound of her best friends voice. she was embarrassed but she was too far gone to back out now.

she bit on Ricky's shoulder to mask her groan as her release hit her like a ton of bricks, Ricky's following a few seconds later. he collapsed down on top of her, their breathing identical as they tried to catch their breath. her hand moved to brush the hair that had fallen out of her bun out of her eyes. Ricky rolled next to her, his hand coming to hold hers on top of the comforter.

"they heard us. fuck Ricky, we really need to get our own place." Nini said to him as she rubbed her temples.

the couple had been trying to find an apartment for the two of them as they were growing out of their current living situation, but they were having trouble finding something in their price range that was also in a nice area. Ricky was working on a teaching salary, a first year teaching salary at that, at the local middle school teaching music. Nini was coaching private voice lessons at the music store that they frequented often. they didn't have a ton of money between them but they were saving every penny to move out and into their own place.

Ricky rolled out of bed, pulling on a clean pair of boxers and some sweatpants, "i'm gonna go make coffee."

Nini nodded as she moved to get out of the bed, picking up their discarded clothing from this morning and the previous night and throwing it in the hamper before putting on fresh underwear and a large tee shirt with a pair of Ricky's sweatpants.

she ventured her way out into the large main room, the living room empty. she turned to the right and saw Ricky standing at the kitchen counter drinking his coffee. when he spotted her he pushed her Playbill mug filled with black coffee across the counter towards her. she smiled and brought the scorching drink to her lips.

the two chatted mindlessly as they drank their coffee, their friends trickling out one by one. Carlos gave them a death glare as Seb rubbed his back, readjusting his glasses. Red punched Ricky rather hard in the shoulder as he made his way to the coffee machine. Kourtney was the last to appear, a grumpy look on her face.

"look," Kourt started, capturing the attention of Ricky and Nini, "i get that you guys are a couple and that you just celebrated an anniversary but seriously, y'all are too loud. some of us were trying to sleep."

Nini flushed a bright red as Ricky coughed repeatedly. the couple didn't know how to react.

Carlos broke the tension in the room, "jesus, y'all hets fuck too much."

yeah, they really needed to get their own place.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now