mother's day

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it was a special day for Nina Bowen. it was her very first mother's day as a mother herself.

she was awakened in the morning when her husband rolled over, pulling her into his arms, "good morning beautiful." he said before he leaned down to kiss her lips quickly.

her hand found its way to the back of his neck as she kissed him back, "good morning."

he smiled down at her brightly, "happy mother's day baby, i'm so glad that you're Henry's mom."

Henry Richard Bowen was the light of Nini and Ricky's life. he was a little souvenir from their honeymoon trip to Paris, Nini finding out she was pregnant only three weeks after they came home. he came into the world last June, kicking and screaming. the couple adored their almost one year old son.

Nini's eyes welled up with tears as she smiled softly at her husband, "honey, thank you. i love you so much." she pulled him back down by his neck, their lips meeting passionately in the middle.

Ricky's hands moved to her back as he pulled her closer against him. Nini's fingers moved from his neck into his curls while her other hand gripped the fabric of his tee shirt on his back. Ricky lightly ground against her, Nini let out a slight whine.

Ricky pulled away, his lips ghosting over hers, "you think we have time for a quick round?"

Nini nodded quickly as she pulled his lips back to hers, their hips lightly grinding against each other's. just as Ricky was about to remove her clothes, a cry from the baby monitor snapped them out of their haze.

Ricky groaned and dropped his head into her neck. Nini sighed in frustration at the sudden stop to their moment. she quickly pushed her husband off of her and rolled out of bed, "duty calls."

Nini made her way to the bedroom down the hall from hers, opening the door to her screaming son. the baby stood up in the crib, his face bright red as he screamed.

"Henry baby, i'm here now." she cooed as she picked up her son.

the baby stopped crying the minute Nini picked him up. he was definitely a mamas boy. she bounced the baby on her hip as she moved around the room, pulling out the first outfit of the day for her child, setting him on the changing table. she didn't realize her husband was standing in the doorway until she picked up the newly dressed baby and turned around.

Ricky held out his arms, Nini passing the baby off, "can you feed him while i go shower?"

Ricky nodded, leaning down to peck her lips, "mhm, don't worry. today is your day honey, i'll take care of him."

Nini definitely enjoyed her time to herself. normally, she didn't get to take long showers or get the time to do her hair in the mornings as she was always running around with Henry. she returned down to the living room after about an hour and a half. Ricky was sitting on the floor, Henry leaned up against the bottom of the couch, the two playing with some blocks.

Ricky noticed her come in the room, "babe, i made you some breakfast. it's out on the table."

Nini smiled again the gesture. Ricky was definitely treating her today. she took the time while she ate to quickly text her moms a happy mother's day, sending a similar text to Jenn, Ricky's stepmom, as well as his mother Lynne. the woman had come around in the last couple years, Ricky repairing his relationship with his mother, though he was closer with his stepmother than his actual mother.

Ricky set Henry in his walker and moved to the kitchen to see his wife. he grabbed the gift bag from the hallway table and moved to sit next to the woman he loved.

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