touch me

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a/n: another m rated one coming at you! it gets pretty descriptive so if you're uncomfortable with phone sex or masturbation then feel free to skip this one :)

Nini sighed dramatically as she slammed her dorm door behind her and flopped down on her bed. the YAC was exhausting. she had been in rehearsals all afternoon, finally getting to come back to her room after dinner. she glanced to the other side of the room to see a note on the white board her roommate had.

hey Nini!
i'm going home for the weekend so you have the room to yourself! see you Sunday night!

Nini groaned. she was alone. all weekend long. she didn't have any rehearsals this weekend so she'd most likely just be laying in bed all weekend.

her eyes caught sight of the framed picture on her side table. it was of her and Ricky from opening night of HSM. she missed him so much. it had been a couple months since she'd seen him last, going home for spring break to be with him. that was a great week home. her and Ricky had finally taken the next step in their relationship. Nina Salazar-Roberts was no longer a virgin.

she sighed as her heart raced at the sight of her boyfriends face as she looked at his picture and thought about the night they spent in his bedroom, the two teens tangled up in his sheets, not being able to tell where one began and the other ended. she began to feel that familiar tingle from down below that she had waved off the past few months, this time she planned on taking care of it.

Nini wasn't exactly sure what to do. all she knew was that she missed her boyfriend and she was horny. she set the framed picture closer to the edge of her nightstand and laid flat on her back, kicking off her shoes. she took a deep breath before she stuck her hand down her leggings, flinching a little when her fingers came in contact with her sensitive nerves.

it wasn't like she'd never touched herself before, but she'd never been alone when she did it. the couple times that she and Ricky had sex while she was home on break she had experimented with touching herself after Ricky taught her the correct things to do. this was just the first time she had done it without him there with her.

it was clumsy at first. she struggled to position her hand under the band of her leggings and underwear. she finally seemed to find a comfortable position, her fingers moving slowly over her sensitive nerve endings. her breathing picked up as she rubbed herself in a circular motion, her fingers becoming wetter by the minute.

Nini's head was tipped back against the pillow as she moaned out slightly but was interrupted when her phone rang. she picked her head up slightly to see who it was. she grinned for a moment before answering the call, her fingers coming to a stop, resting still in her pants.

"hello?" she stuttered out in a breath.

"Nini! baby, how was your day?" Ricky's voice came through the line. Nini smiled as her eyes closed, her fingers slowly staring to move again at the sound of his voice.

"good. how about yours?" she bit her lip as she listened to him talk. her fingers had resumed their circular motions, breaking every few minutes to slide down to press against her entrance.

Ricky continued to talk until Nini let out a strangled sigh, "Neens, you okay?"

Nini's teeth dug into her lip as she nodded her head before realizing he couldn't see her, "uh huh."

it was almost as if she could hear the smirk on his face, "baby, are you touching yourself while listening to me?"

her fingers once again stopped, she'd been caught. she swallowed heavily and floundered for words, "i, uh, um...i, it's just...i...maybe."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now