doing it with you (j•o)

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the apartment is quiet, the streets of New York seemingly sleeping, which is rare. Olivia tosses in her sleep, trying to curl against her fiancé, finding trouble with her large belly.

she whines for a moment before Josh's hand finds her stomach, rubbing soothing circles into her tank top. they feel a kick from the baby, both of them smiling.

"you got her going." she mumbles to him.

the baby kicks again before he can respond, Liv groaning as she rubs her seven month belly.

"she's a daddy's girl, what can i say?" he chuckles, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

in the last three months, news had eventually broken that Olivia was pregnant. at first people speculated about who the father was but the moment she emerged from her apartment with Josh's hand in hers and a diamond ring on her finger, it became pretty obvious. they still never really talked about their relationship publicly.

Liv stopped doing interviews and appearances once she really started showing. Josh tried his best to avoid the topic when he was interviewed and never went into too much detail when asked.

they decided that they wanted their child to be hidden from view until they could decide whether they wanted to be in the spotlight or not. they never posted any sonogram pictures or anything, trying to limit their posts of her baby bump as well, avoiding the negative comments that still come with their relationship.

even though they were getting married and starting a family, people still had a lot to say about them. it was hard but they were managing.

she groans, pushing against him a little and sitting up in their bed, rubbing her face tiredly. Josh sits up on his elbow, one hand reaching out to rub her back soothingly, "what can i do for you?"

"get this baby out of me?"

he chuckles, tossing a hand through his unruly curls, "two more months darling."

Liv whines sadly, "i'm counting the days."

she lays back in bed, turning onto her side, her back presses against his stomach, his arms circling around her, his hands resting under her bump on her hips.

Josh sighs, pressing a light kiss to her shoulder, "soon, baby, soon."


"what do you think we should name her?"

Josh looks up from his position on the floor, drilling a screw into the crib he's trying to put together. Olivia is seated in the recliner chair in the corner of the room for her nightly breast feeding, her feet propped up, a jar of crunchy peanut butter sitting on top of her bump, the spoon she's using to eat out of it hanging out of her mouth.

"we've been having this conversation for months." he says as he focuses on finishing up the crib.

the nursery was just about done. it was painted a soft green color, zoo animals painted all along the walls. the white wood crib was the last piece of furniture that needed to be built and then they'd be finished.

she sighs, spooning more peanut butter, "yeah but we haven't found one yet. not one we can agree on yet."

"darling," he says exasperatedly, setting down the drill as he turns to look at her with a smirk, "for the last time, we're not naming her Madison Iris."

"but they'd love that!" she whines.

the curly haired man chuckles, getting back to his task at hand, "well we just need to find something that we both agree on. you wanna name her after your friends and i wanna name her after my mom."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now