my girl (j•o)

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Olivia looked across her apartment at the boy sitting at her piano. oh how lucky she is to call him hers. she smiled as she listen to him play random melodies. she moved from the couch to the piano, leaning against the bench, her arms wrapping around his neck as she stood behind him.

he continued to play, singing softly under his breath. he only stopped briefly to press a kiss to the side of her wrist before continuing to play. they stayed like that for a while.

Olivia had grown comfortable having Josh in her apartment. Disney had rented out a section of a modern apartment complex in Salt Lake for the cast and crew while they lived in Utah for six months. the two often spent time writing together in her apartment while filming season one. they grew closer and ultimately decided to give it a shot. it wasn't known to their fans yet, they were worried about the criticism they'd get about their ages.

they shared everything with each other, stories, songs, laugher, tears, everything. he even knew about her scar on her chest from her tea spill incident. they were open books with each other.

eventually Josh finished playing, turning around and pulling Olivia closer to him by the hips. he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips when she leaned down. he loved kissing her, something he discovered while filming season one. he never wanted to stop.

"what're we thinking for today? it's our day off." he asked, pulling her down to sit on his lap, arms still around her waist.

"that is exactly why we're staying in today. i don't wanna have to worry about seeing people when i can stay right here with my favorite person." she nuzzled her nose against his and smiled when he chuckled.

the two decided on a movie marathon. they sat together on the couch in her living room, the two cuddled up under a blanket. The Vow played in the background, one of her favorite movies.

she made it about halfway through their fith before she started to doze off. they had laid down on the couch and Olivia was laying against Josh's side, half on top of him and half next to him. he ran his hand up and down her back, smiling when she'd reach closer for him.

they stayed that way for a while but it was getting late, Olivia had woken up and made the two of them dinner. she had been attempting to teach Josh how to cook but so far that wasn't going well. they had a late pasta dinner before calling it a night. Olivia headed for her bathroom while Josh sat in the bed, responding to messages from the cast group chat.

Olivia returned and pulled her sweatshirt off so she was just in her leggings and tee shirt before crawling into her bed next to her boyfriend. he put his phone down and she curled into his arms as he sat against the headboard.

he kissed the top of her head, "i love you. you know that?"

she smiled, "i know. i love you too." she said in an excited voice.

she had never been happier than she was with Josh. he made her feel like a woman, not some teenager. she was sick of all her past relationships, all those boys were so immature but Josh, he was something different. he was special. he loved her in ways that nobody had ever loved her before. she was proud to be loved by him. he could easily have any girl he wanted but yet, he wanted her. he kept coming back home to her.

they cuddled together through the night. it was starting to get to a point where neither of them could sleep without being with each other. the problem was, neither of them could sleep this night because Olivia's phone kept ringing.

it was the fith time that it had rung when she finally gave up, "oh my god they can't take a hint, i'm just gonna answer it."

she picked up the phone angrily, not bothering to look at the caller ID. "hello?" she said, anger in her voice.

Josh, half asleep, rubbed circles into her side with his fingers like he knew she liked to keep her calm. that stopped abruptly when he heard that name.


he just about shot up in bed at the name. why on earth was her ex boyfriend calling her in the middle of the night? he reached over and took the phone to put it on speaker so he could hear what was being said.

"why are you calling me in the middle of the night Ethan?" she asked, her fingers rubbing her temples.

"i want you back Liv. i fucked up by dumping i know that. i want a second chance."

"listen Ethan, it's been over a year since you broke up with me. i've moved on. i'm happy."

"well let me be happy with you Olivia! i'll come to Salt Lake, ill move there for you. i want to get back together."

"Ethan, no. i've moved on. i'm with someone else now."

"wait what? what do you mean you're with someone else now? who? do i know him?"

Olivia sighed, she didn't want to talk to him anymore. "Ethan that's none of your business. i'm happy, i don't need you dragging me down."

"it's that Joshua guy isn't it? i always knew you had a thing for him. i could see the way he looked at you. i bet he's there right now. we're you two sleeping together when we were still together? does he know the way you like to be touched like i do?"

Josh had enough, he took the phone from his girlfriends hand and spoke loud and clear. "listen you little twerp, don't you ever talk about my girlfriend that way again. you hear me? she doesn't need to hear from you anymore, you're done with her. and for your information, i never once touched her while you two were together. and i can make her react in ways you never could, so yeah i know the ways she likes to be handled. delete this number. if i ever hear from you again, it'll be too soon."

he hung up the phone and handed it back to Olivia before laying back down. she was astounded, did he really just speak that way to someone? she had never seen this feisty side of him and she couldn't lie, it was really hot. she set her phone on the night table and poked him in the shoulder.

"Josh! what was that?!"

he sat back up and looked at her, "well i wasn't going to let that idiot sit there and tell you how much he wanted you back, he had to be set in his place and know that you aren't available."

"i'm not gonna lie, that was incredibly sexy. i've never seen you like that before." she smirked.

"well what can i say? i had to let him know you're my girl." he kissed her head and pulled her back down with him to cuddle, the two falling fast asleep this time.

she was his girl indeed.

okay this started off as something completely different and then i decided to throw ethan in there because i just hate that kid for breaking poor liv's heart right after she moved to salt lake last year. i wanted a scene where josh finally tells him off and this is what came of it! if you liked it please leave a comment and a star! feel free to comment any ideas you have or anything you'd like to see! i love to hear your ideas!

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now