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tw: drug use, smoking, drinking, addiction.

Ricky Bowen was known for being destructive, in more ways than one. for unbeknownst reasons he often disrespected his peers and teachers, leaving in the middle of classes, occasionally flipping a desk, sneaking under the bleachers to get high during lunch, that was just who he was. nobody could change him, or so they thought.

he was wandering through the hallway during his Lit class, obviously not wanting to be in class. he groans when he sees Principle Gutierrez coming his way.

"Mr Bowen."

Ricky frowns as the man stops in front of him, "what's up?"

the principle frowns, "aren't you supposed to be in your English class with Mrs Carter?"

"she's boring so i dipped." Ricky responds honestly.

Gutierrez nods a little before putting his hand on the boys shoulder, "right of course. well i want you to come with me for a minute."

Ricky mumbles to himself as they walk through the hall, figuring his dad was waiting for him in the office again. when Gutierrez opens his office door, Ricky notices his dad isn't there, but a pretty brunette is.

"Ricky, take a seat please." he says as he sits behind his desk.

the curly haired boy huffs as he sits in a chair next to the smiling girl. the principal hands some papers to the girl before speaking again, "Ricky, this is Nina Salazar-Roberts. she's new here and i'd like you to be her peer mentor. show her around the school, introduce her to your friends, make her feel welcome."

Ricky furrows his brows as he looks up and down at the girl, "yeah, she won't fit in with my friends Mr G."

the man waves him off, "Nina, have a good day. welcome to East High."

the two kids get up and Ricky leaves the room first, the door closing slightly on the girl behind him. they walk in silence for a few minutes, Ricky slightly ahead of Nina.

he groans as he hears her cough to get his attention, "listen...Nini? i'm not a good influence for you. you won't fit in with my crowd. you look like you belong with the preppy assholes who run the academic decathlon team."

Nina scoffs behind him, "you don't know anything about me Ricky. looks can deceive you. and my name is Nina, not Nini."

he turns sharply to her, "looks can deceive me? your look tells me everything i need to know. what're you even doing here transferring halfway through the year? your old school not smart enough for you?"

Nina turns angry as she furrows her brows at him, "i got expelled from my last school. there, you happy?"

his face softens a little but he tries to hold up his tough act, "for what? setting the lab rats free?" he chuckles humorously.

she dodged his eyes as she looks at the ground, "um, i cheated on my SAT..."

"wow, so you got expelled cause you cheated on a fancy test? jesus, you are a preppy asshole."

"i cheated because i was strung out." Nina says quietly, her eyes on the ground.

he frowns slightly, "strung out? what, did you take too much adderall?"

she meets his eyes for the first time in a while, he can see the slight tears in her eyes, "actually, yes. i used to be addicted to adderall. i used to take it when i was younger cause i had attention problems but when i started high school i became obsessed with studying so my friend gave me a few of her adderall's so i could study for a test and then i got addicted. i used to buy them from students around school and then when nobody would sell to me anymore, i started going to the streets to buy some. i must've gotten laced pills cause i was so strung out when i went to take my test that i just kinda panicked. the monitor saw i was cheating and sent me to the principal. she noticed i was on something and called the police and my parents."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now