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i miss you when i least expect it
i miss the way you feel on my lips

Nini was seated at the wooden desk in her dorm room studying for her theatre history exam, her roommate Rachel had gone out to some party since it was friday night. she sighed as she dropped her pen down on the desk, running her hands over her face. she looked up at the pictures she had taped up over her desk, her favorite one of her and Ricky. it had been taken recently, him behind her, arms wrapped around her while placing a kiss to her temple.

she missed him so much.

she had decided, with a big push from him, to go to college in New York. she was studying at Marymount Manhattan while he decided to stay back and go to University of Utah. it was a hard decision but he knew she wanted to be an actor and the only place to do that was in New York. she loved the city, but she loved Ricky more.

and i don't know when i'll see you again
i miss you when i least expect it

he was lonely to say the least. it was friday night and he was alone in his room. his roommate Michael was a frat pledge so he was at some party, leaving Ricky with just his thoughts.

he never thought that being without Nini would be so hard. he knew that sending her to New York was the right call, he's just wondering if maybe he should've gone with her.

long distance sucked. they facetimed and texted almost everyday but he wanted to see her face, he wanted to hold her and kiss her and feel her under his fingers. to know that she is still there.

visions of you shaved into the side of my head

Nini wanted to see him. she pulled up her facetime app on her iphone, praying that he wasn't busy. she pressed call and waited. she smiled wide when his face popped up on the screen.

"hi baby!"

"Nini! i've missed you." Ricky said, flopping himself into his bed.

"i missed you too. what're you up to?" she asked as she leaned back in the hard wooden chair, a knee pulled up to her chest as she rested her chin on it.

Ricky sighed, "nothing much. Michaels out with his friends so i'm just here alone. thinking about you."

Nini smiled sadly. she wished she was there with him. "yeah i know. Rachel's out partying and i'm here studying for this theatre history exam i have on monday."

"but that's my girl! i love that you always put your work first." Ricky said, a sad tone to his voice. Nini knew something was up.

"school comes second. you come first Ricky, what's wrong?"

"i just hate that i'm here in Utah and you're in New York. i wanna be there with you." he said sadly.

"i know baby. me too. i love you."

"i love you too."

the two hung up not long after that, Nini returning to her books and Ricky to his thoughts.

and as i sleep on the other side of the country
i wonder how it feels to be safe in the palm of your hand

Nini laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. she missed being Ricky. she missed being home.

Ricky was feeling the same exact thing.

oh, you are so important to me
and i won't let you go

Nini stood in the JFK airport, waiting to board her flight. she couldn't wait any longer.

she checked the time on her phone, the screensaver picture of her and Ricky popping up. she was making the right decision.

wherever you are is home

Carol and Dana picked her up from the airport, happy to being seeing their daughter for the first time in 6 months. they took her home, Nini immediately jumping into her car and driving to his house.

her palms were sweating as she walked up to his front porch. she knew he'd be home that weekend. she knew that he'd be surprised to see her. she knocked on the door and stepped back. the door flung open and Ricky stood on the other side.

"surprise!" she said quietly, tears threatening to spill out.

he stepped onto the porch and pulled the small girl into his arms, in a tight embrace. Nini could feel the tears falling on her shoulder. she placed her fingers in his curls to calm him. he pulled away enough to look her in the eyes.

"what're you doing here?"

Nini smiled slightly, "i needed to come home. i needed to be with you. you're my home Ricky."

cause wherever you are is home
i miss you when i least expect it
i miss the way you feel on my lips
and i don't know when i'll see you again
so won't you please come home
won't you please come home

song: home by catie turner
i've had this idea for awhile about rini being long distance across the country and i've loved this song for a while and thought it would fit perfectly. couldn't keep those two away from each other forever though!

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now