come back, be here

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Ricky never imagined his life going this way. he never wanted to be a soldier. yet, somehow at the end of his senior year of high school, he enlisted.

it was hard. his family didn't take it well when he came home from school a week before graduation and told everyone that he was leaving for basic training two days after graduation. Nini was heartbroken. she spent that night sobbing into his chest about how she wouldn't be able to live if something happened to him. he made a promise to her that he'd stay alive, that was a promise he intended to keep.

they managed to maintain a somewhat healthy relationship while he was in his training for four months down in Texas. Nini had just started classes at the University of Utah when he finished basic training. they spent three weeks together before he shipped off for his first tour in Kabul, Afghanistan.

the first tour was hell. Nini and Ricky struggled to stay together while he was across the world fighting a war he didn't belong in. all they had for two years were letters and staticky Skype calls every week. when he finally returned home, they vowed to never be apart again. that was the year they got engaged. Nini was still in school, finishing up her degree a year early while Ricky was in the reserves, working downtown at a record shop to make extra money.

just after Nini graduated, Ricky informed her that he'd been called to serve again. since he was only two years into his three year reserve contract, he had to go back, they needed him. so he packed up his duffel bag, put his uniform on, and Nini drove him to the airport to fly out. he had hugged her tightly and kissed her passionately, reminding her that he'd come home safe in a year and a half and that they'd get married as soon as he got home.

that was a year ago, Ricky only has 3 more months and then he's done for good. he'd have served his two years and he can retire and go home. back home into Nini's awaiting arms.

she yawns as she waits for the Skype call to connect. it's pitch black outside in Salt Lake and all Nini wants to do is talk to her fiancé and go to bed. the call connects and she can see his buzzed curls, slightly growing out, through the static, "hi baby!"

it's sunny in the background and she can see other soldiers walking around, "Neens, god i've missed your face! how are you? how's the planning going?"

Nini is in the midst of planning their wedding. it was hard to do all on her own and she wishes desperately that he could be here to plan it with her but she was excited nonetheless, "good! it's good! i got my dress today."

Ricky beams, "can i see it?"

she chuckles and smiles at him through the screen, "no! you know that's bad luck!"

"i can't wait to see you walk down the isle. you're going to look so beautiful."

she already had her accessories and everything picked out too. her Lola's veil was her something borrowed, the sapphire earrings that Ricky bought her a few years ago were her something blue, her shoes were her something new, and she had a little surprise thrown into her wedding dress. she wasn't sure if she was going to tell him yet but, last time that Ricky was home she had taken one of his name patches from his uniform. she was going to have her alteration designer sew his name badge into the seam on the back of her dress; so he always had her back.

"just three more months." Nini says, sighing a little.

Ricky frowns slightly, "i know baby, i miss you so much. god i just want to hold you in my arms all the time."

Nini smiles, her chin in the palm of her hand, "soon. we'll be together soon."

they continue to talk about their days, Nini trying her best to stay awake and understand what he's saying but Ricky can tell that she's forcing herself to not fall asleep.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now