here comes santa claus

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"okay kids, are we ready to go?"

Nini glances at the two children in front of her, all dressed up in their Christmas clothes. she glances around for a minute, trying to figure out where her husband disappeared off to before spotting him coming down the hall.

"can we go now mommy?"

Ricky pulls on his coat by the front door as Nini checks her purse for something, "of course we can baby."

"i wanna go see grandmas and grandpas!"

the couple laughs at their young children before ushering them out the door and to the car, buckling them in. Ricky puts the few presents for their parents into the back of the car before getting in the drivers seat.

Christmas was always the Bowen family's favorite time of year. the kids were always so excited once the first December snowfall hit. Connor and Alexis were their miracles. Nini couldn't get pregnant for the first couple years they were married but finally she'd gotten pregnant with Connor, the little boy now 7 years old. a little bit after that, they decided they wanted to have another and they got lucky right away, little Alexis coming along, she was only 4.

the car is filled with Christmas music, the family singing along as they drive through the snowy roads of Salt Lake. the family had a peaceful Christmas day before getting ready to head to Ricky's dads house. they were gonna celebrate all together for the night, the kids excited to see their grandparents since Mike, Jenn, Lynne, Todd, Carol and Dana were all going to be there.

the driveway is already full as they pull up in front of the house. Nini puts Alexis onto her hip and holds Connor's hand as they walk so he doesn't fall. Ricky follows not far behind with the presents for their parents.

the door swings wide open, Mike and Jenn greeting them at the door, "hey kids! Merry Christmas!"

Nini let's the kids go hug their grandparents before pulling their coats and boots off, leaving them in a heap on the floor in front of the door.

"ugh! kids!" she calls after them with no use, bending down to pick up the items, "sorry, they're excited."

Mike laughs, grabbing the presents from Ricky, "no need honey, i remember when your husband was that age. he did the same thing."

the curly haired man flushed pink and scratched as his neck after shedding his coat, his wife eyeing him, "what?"

she giggles, "that's where they get it from."

he laughs, slipping an arm around her waist before guiding her into the living room where everyone else was. Nini kisses her moms cheeks, Ricky hugging his mother and shaking Todd's hand.

"kiddos, can i get you anything to drink?" Jenn asks, popping her head back into the room.

Nini glances at her husband, his small nod in response, "i'll have a glass of red wine if you have it."

"gotcha, what about you Ricky? wine? beer?"

he shakes his head, "just a water is fine, gotta drive home in the snow."

Jenn disappears again and Nini puts her hand on his sweater covered chest, kissing his cheek and leaning to whisper in his ear, "i don't have to drink if you're not babe, i'll just get a soda."

"no, no it's fine. i don't mind." he responds, grinning before pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"Nini honey, how was your morning? any gifts this year?" Carol pipes up from across the room.

she feels the heat on the back of her neck as her husbands hand slips a little lower on her back. yeah, there was definitely a gift that i received this morning.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now