saying goodbye is the hardest

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Nini sat in shock. everybody moved around her as she thought about what was just said to her.

he was gone.

just gone, like that. with a snap of her fingers, he was gone. a single tear rolled down her cheek. everything seemed to move in slow motion. this morning she kissed him goodbye on his way to work, now she's sitting alone in a cold hospital waiting room, knowing that he won't be coming home with her.

god how had this happened?


she looked up frantically at the figure coming around the corner, breaking down when she saw his father.

"Mike! Mike i'm so sorry. he's gone!" Nini wailed into his arms, her father figure holding her in his arms as they both mourned the loss of their boy.

"what happened?" Mike asked as they sat down, Nini having stoned sobbing. the tears were silently flowing now.

"he was on his way home, he called me to say he was leaving the skate shop, we were supposed to go out to dinner to celebrate the engagement. it had been a while since he called me when i got a call from the hospital. he was t-boned and the driver took off. i got here as fast as i could, i saw him for a minute. he told me he loved me and then it all turned to hell, everything started beeping and the doctors kicked me out."

Mike didn't speak when Nini finished. they sat in silence for a while. the doctor came to address them. Nini didn't speak, not until they asked what they wanted to do with him.

"i want to see him."

Mike and the doctor shared a look before Mike tried to speak,

"Nini, i don't think..."

"no, i need to see him."

the doctor led Nini into the room, the white sheet pulled up and over her boyfriend~forget that, fiancé.
Nini walked carefully to the bed, her hands shook as the pulled the sheet back, a sob left her lips as her shaking fingers touched his cheek. he was still warm.

"god damnit Ricky! why?! you promised me you'd never leave me, we had plans. we were gonna get married and start a family! damnit Ricky why'd you leave me!" she screamed as she held onto what was left of his bloody tee shirt, she buried her head in his neck. some part of her hoped that he would wake up and calm her down. instead it was Mike that came to get her.

"Nini, honey, it's time to go home."


she didn't think she could go home. home was the apartment she shared with Ricky for the past three years.

"i can't go back to that apartment. not yet. there's too many memories." she said quietly.

"alright then, you're coming home with me."

Nini was quiet the whole car ride home. she had cried all her tears. she leaned her head against the window, staring at all the houses passing by as she absentmindedly played with the diamond ring.

she was running on autopilot. Mike led her into the house, Nini instantly marched up the stairs to his old bedroom. she slowly opened the door, the room was still the same as when they were teenagers. Nini took a deep breath as she ran her fingers over his desk, heading to his closet. there wasn't much in there but she grabbed a sweatshirt, stripping off her shirt and pulling it on. she wrapped her arms around herself as she let a few stray tears escape. she pulled back the covers of his bed and got in, trying to convince herself that he was there with her.

Nini laid breathlessly against the pillows, Ricky propping himself on his elbow next to her.

"how do you feel?" he asked as she stared at the ceiling.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now