heart to hearts

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Ricky absolutely loved spending time with the Salazar-Roberts family. ever since he had met Nini in kindergarten, Mrs Salazar and Mrs Roberts had become like his second moms. he took every chance he had to help them out.

it was the end of a workday, but it was Friday and that meant that he got to spend the whole weekend cuddled up with Nini in their apartment. things had been going amazingly for them. after high school they had decided to go long distance, Ricky going to USC and Nini going to Berkeley in New York City. it was hard but they withstood it and came out stronger than ever. after graduating from college three years ago, they moved back home to SLC and into a little apartment downtown together.

Ricky came in the door, calling out for his girlfriend, "hey Neens, i'm home!"

he slipped his shoes off by the door, setting his messenger bag on the hook on the wall. he loosened his tie, pulling it off as he walked into their bedroom. he noticed Nini pacing the room, her phone held up to her ear. she noticed him and held up a finger to him, letting him know she'd be done in a minute.

"okay, well i'm sure we can figure it out mom. don't worry. i love you, i'll talk to you later. by mamma." Nini sighed as she threw her phone on her bed.

Ricky held his arms open as Nini walked into his chest, his hand gently running through her long hair, "what's wrong babe?"

Nini spoke into his chest, "the sink pipe burst in the kitchen at home, mom is freaking out cause she can't afford to call a plumber. plus my Lola is there, she's been taking care of her since her accident so it's harder for my moms to get stuff done when they have to take care of her."

Ricky pulled his girlfriend away, "i'll go over and fix it." he said as he moved to pull out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt to change into.

"wait, really?" Nini asked, she was surprised but she knew she shouldn't be. Ricky had become a handyman of sorts after all these years of having to fix stuff for her moms.

Ricky shrugged, "yeah. i'll get changed and go over there now."

Nini smiled and crossed the room to kiss him, "you know i love you right?" she asked before she left the room to call her mom back.

when Ricky got to the house, Carol and Dana has managed to clean up all the water in the kitchen. he called out as he gently closed the door behind him, "hey moms, i'm here!"

Ricky slipped his sneakers off as he moved to go to the kitchen, stopping in the living room to kiss Malou on the cheek, "how're you doing Lola? are you well?"

Malou smiled at the man, her hand patting his cheek, "oh Ricky, such a gentleman for always checking on me. i'm fine! go fix that god forsaken sink though before my daughter has a heart attack!"

Ricky chuckled as he walked into the kitchen, Dana and Carol sighing in relief when they saw him. Carol gave him a hug, "Ricky! you're the best for doing this! i know this is probably the last place you wanted to be on a Friday night. i'm sure you and Nini had plans."

Ricky waved them off as he got down on the ground to fix the sink, "nonsense, i got home and could tell Nini was upset because of all of this, i couldn't just leave you guys stranded. you're my moms too, i wanted to come help you."

Carol and Dana chatted with Ricky as he fixed the sink. it took him a little while but he had gotten it done. he tested the water and everything before packing up his tools, "alright! there you go ladies!"

Dana wrapped the man in a hug, "you're our lifesaver Ricky, tell Nini to keep you around!"

Ricky chuckled as he grabbed his tool bag and started to head for the door, "i'll remind her haha! see you guys later, love you!"

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now