my boy (j•o)

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Olivia smiles as she saw her boyfriend coming down the hallway of their office down the street from East High. that smile quickly dropped when she saw a pretty, tall, blonde girl with him. they were laughing.

she quickly turned around and walked in the other direction. she had been waiting for him to return from set, he was taking longer than usual and now she knows why. this mystery girl.

the production assistant came to get her to take her to the school for filming. she sat quietly in the back of the black car as they drive down the street. normally, she'd be singing along to the radio or rehearsing her lines but she couldn't stop thinking about that girl. she'd never seen Josh smile that wide before.

she was standing in the hallway of the famous high school, waiting for the director to get there as she fiddled with the sleeve of her sweater. she perked up when she heard Josh come around the corner, the same girl next to him again. the two stayed behind the cameras as they chatted, normally he'd be with her getting ready for their scene.

eventually he walked towards her. he attempted to pull her to him and kiss her hair, instead she dodged him.

"okay then. hi." he said, confused.

Olivia bit back bitterly, "hi."

Josh was confused. this morning she was fine. they had spent the night at his apartment so he saw her immediately that morning and she was okay, they drove to set together and she was still fine. what had changed?

"okay!" the director started, "Josh and Olivia, this is when Nini and Ricky are walking down the hallway. they're bickering over Ricky's flirtatiousness with other girls. you guys set?"

Olivia nodded as she got into character. this wouldn't be too hard. she fixed her hair as she stood at Nini's locker, her backpack placed on her back. she was ready to get this over with. Josh stood in confusion next to her. the director yelled action and they started their scene.

"i don't understand why you're so mad at me?" Josh started his lines.

Olivia rolled her eyes in character, or maybe not in character, she wasn't so sure anymore. "because Ricky, you were all cuddled up to Lily literally five minutes ago!"


Olivia slammed the locker shut and started walking, the sound of Josh's footsteps following her. "Nini, i don't know what i did wrong?"

she scoffed and turned to him as she was walking, "Ricky, i'm your girlfriend. i swear i'm not the jealous type but i've been hearing from Big Red that you've been texting and calling Lily when you're hanging out with him?! you have a girlfriend Richard!"

she could see Josh cringe as she raised her voice, it was a Josh habit and not a character trait for Ricky. whenever they fought, he would flinch when they yelled.

"Nini! there's nothing going on between us i swear! i love you!" he grabbed her arms to stop her from walking.

Olivia couldn't look him in the eyes, they weren't acting anymore.

"i think that you need to think about some things Ricky. so do i." she walked away as it was written in the script but something felt so final about that moment.

the director yelled cut and Olivia handed her backpack of to the production assistant closest to her before turning to march out of the school. she needed air.

she took in a deep breath as she stood outside of the school. she didn't know what was wrong with her, she wasn't the jealous type.

she heard the doors open behind her, "Liv!"

it was Josh. he reached her as she turned around to face him. he had a look of concern on his face.

"what's wrong?" he reached out to touch her, she dodged it again.

"who is she? that girl that you've been with all day?"

Josh looked confused, "oh Lauren? she's my ex. her and Claire are great friends so they came to visit me. Claire's been off at some event thing all day that Lauren didn't want to go to so i invited her to set."

he didn't seem to realize what was wrong with that, "and you didn't think to tell me, your girlfriend, that your ex girlfriend who happens to look like a supermodel was coming to visit you?"


Olivia scoffed, he could be so clueless sometimes, "goddamnit Josh, i swear sometimes you're so stupid! i don't look like that girl! what do you see in me?"

Josh reached out for her again, Liv wrapping her arms around herself, "Olivia, there are no feelings between me and Lauren at all! we're friends that's it. you're my girlfriend. i'm sorry i didn't tell you about her but i thought that we had more trust than that. i guess i was wrong."

Olivia scoffed, "yeah i guess you were." she said before she walked back into the school.

the couple didn't see each other for the rest of the day, both busy filming other scenes. Liv tried not to think about the fact that Lauren was constantly touching Josh and he didn't seem to notice. okay so maybe she was the jealous type. she was protective. she already had one failed relationship, she wanted this one with Josh to work out.

it was late at night. Liv was sitting curled up on her couch in her apartment staring at her phone. they hadn't talked all day since their fight, she couldn't decide if she was waiting for him to text her or if she should just text him.

she was startled by a knock at her door. it was nearly 10:30 at night, who would be at the door? she got up and slowly made her way to the door, looking through the peephole before sighing and unlocking the door.

on the other side stood her boyfriend. his curls were a mess and he looked like he'd been crying. she silently opened the door wider for him to come in, him taking is converse off before joining her on the couch. they were silent for a few minutes, neither knowing what to say.

"i'm sorry." it was quiet, but Liv could hear him.

she looked into his eyes as he spoke, "i should've told you who she was. i'm so sorry. i'm sorry i got mad at you and said those things earlier. Claire and Lauren are on their way back to California now, i told them to go home. i needed to see you to tell you how stupid i am. i guess Ricky and i really are alike. we're both dumb guys who don't know how to talk to their girlfriends."

Olivia chuckled at his comment, "Josh, i'm sorry. i should've been straight up with you and told you how i was feeling instead of making a big scene out of it."

Josh moved closer to her, pulling her into his arms as she rested her head against his chest, him placing kisses to her hair.

"let's never fight again. i've been thinking about you being angry at me all day and i hate it."

"i agree." Liv responded as she cuddled herself against his chest.

his hand rubbed her back lightly as they sat in comfortable silence. this was the most peace the two had been at all day, constantly worrying about their other half being angry with them took a huge toll on each of them.

"you're my boy, nobody else's." Olivia said contently as she closed her eyes.

Josh smiled softly as he looked down at the girl in his arms, "i'm all yours."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now