bad day

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Ricky smiles as he sees an incoming call from his girlfriend on his phone. he puts the phone up to his ear, his voice cheery, "hey bubba! how's your day!"

he frowns a little as he hears her groan and sigh, "literally the worst. i just want to go home."

"i'm sorry Neens. what can i do to help?" he asks.

"just be there to hold me when i get home."

he smiles softly, "of course. i love you."

"i love you too." she responds softly.


the cart jiggles a little as he makes his way down the isles of Target. so far he had picked up Nini's favorite Dove chocolates, a new movie she wanted to see, some red roses, and some wine.

he heads to the freezer section to grab some cookie dough ice cream, her favorite flavor. he also picks up some essential oils that she likes so he can give her a massage later. Ricky grabs a couple pairs of fuzzy socks too before heading to the check out line to head home.

his concentration is on point as he gets all the treats ready before his girlfriend comes home. he sets all the gifts on the kitchen counter, putting the roses in a nice vase they had.

Ricky just finished setting up when he hears keys jiggling in the door. he turns to lean against the counter as the door swings open.

"welcome home!"

Nini immediately softens at the sight in front of her. Ricky's arms are wide open as he stands in front of all the gifts on the counter.

she sets her purse down on the bench by their door and slinks across the room, into his arms.

"bubs, whats all this?" she asks, her face pressed into his hoodie.

he wraps his arms around her tighter, dropping a kiss to her head, "it's just a little something to cheer you up. go get changed into something comfortable."

she pulls herself out of his arms, pressing a kiss to his cheek before making her way down the hall and into their bedroom. she returns a few minutes later in a pair of cotton shorts and a tee shirt. Ricky is putting the movie into their dvd player, two glasses of wine already set out on the coffee table along with two bowls of ice cream and the bag of chocolates.

Nini sits on the couch, her legs tucked under her as Ricky moves around the room. he returns with some bottles in his hands and a pair of fuzzy socks for her, which she accepts gratefully.

as the movie starts, she leans against his chest just slightly, her bowl of ice cream in her hands, "thank you. you're very sweet."

he smiles down at her, "anything for my best girl."


halfway through their movie, the bowls have been emptied, the wine glasses refilled and chocolate wrappers scattered the coffee table.

Ricky's hands were delicately working out the knots in Nini's shoulders, the smell of lavender in the room from the oils he was using.

"i'm sorry you had a tough day baby." he says quietly.

her head drops a little at the release of pressure in her shoulders, "it's okay, i'm just thankful you're here to cheer me up."

she smiles a little as a soft kiss is pressed to the space just below her ear, "god i love you, i'd do anything to make you happy."

Nini shrugs his hands off her shoulders, moving her shirt back into place before turning around on the couch and straddling his hips. she holds his face in her hands as she looks him in the eyes, "you make me happy."

they both lean in at the same time and their lips meet in the middle, kissing sweetly and gently as his arms wrap around her waist. when they pull apart for air, Nini leans against his chest, wrapping her arms as best she could around his torso, her head laying over his heart, listening to the calming beats as she cuddled against him.

"you're all i'll ever want on a bad day." she mumbles against his chest before closing her eyes.

a/n: sorry this one is so short but i thought it was a sweet idea and i just really wanted to write it after seeing a similar thing on tiktok lol. hope you all liked it!!

if you haven't heard already! i have a new five chapter au out! it's called "(christmas) baby please come home" so go check it out because it's filled with all the christmas rini vibes that we're desperately craving right now!!

also, happy 3rd of december for all my fellow conan gray fans!! hope y'all lived out your best heather lives today!!

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now