little mistakes

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something was wrong. she just knew that something was off. Carol had always been a very observant mother, while letting her daughter discover herself and be free. that didn't mean that she was allowed to do whatever she wanted, Carol just preferred to let Nini learn her own lessons.

that might've backfired on her. Nini was different. something had changed with their daughter, both Carol and Dana noticed it, the older blonde woman wanting to get to the bottom of it. it started out simply, Nini coming home from school a little more moody than normal, the girl hiding up in her room, Ricky and Nini sneaking around more than usual. lately, Nini wouldn't leave her room unless absolutely necessary. she was always ransacking the fridge in the middle of the night, also sleeping at weird hours of the day. Dana said that she was probably just stressed from school. Carol disagreed with that statement.

it wasn't until Carol was cleaning the house one day while her wife and daughter were away at work and school. she was in the bathroom, putting away towels and cleaning up the counters when she bent down to take out the trash. she noticed how there were no wrappers from Nini's tampons in the trash. it was the week of the 25th, Carol knowing exactly when her daughter got her period. that's when things started to click into place. she checked under the counter to see an unopened box of tampons that she'd bought three months ago, still untouched. she doesn't know why it didn't click earlier when Nini no longer asked for new feminine products every month.

Carol moved to step into her daughters room. she was never one to snoop on her child but she needed to know if there was something Nini was hiding. everything looked normal. homework was sitting on her desk, pictures of her boyfriend and friends lined the walls and nightstand, her piano and ukulele sitting in the corner of the room. everything was in place and normal looking. she walked around the room, looking for anything she might've missed. she saw that the only clothes in the hamper were tee shirts belonging to Ricky as well as leggings. she should've noticed how out of character her daughter had been dressing to go to school lately, usually wearing skirts and dresses, now covering up in layers of large clothes.

Carol quickly made her way downstairs, grabbing her keys and her purse before heading to the CVS downtown. she scanned the isles, quickly finding what she needed. she grabbed a box and marched to the checkout before heading back home.

the woman was sitting on the couch in the living room when Nini came home from school. it was odd to the girl that her mother was home, usually working at the hospital during the day.

"oh, hey mama. have the day off?" Nini asked as she moved to go upstairs.

"not so fast young lady. come here."

Nini slowly made her way to the couch. she dropped her backpack on the floor and sat down to face her mother. Carol reaches under the pillow next to her to pull out the pink box, setting it on the coffee table between them.

Nini swallowed harshly and glanced at her mother, "what is that?"

Carol stared softly at her daughter, she could tell she was scared, "it's a pregnancy test. there's two of them in there. i'd like you to take them."

Nini shook her head, "no, i'm not pregnant. there's no reason for me to take them."

Carol softened at her daughters frantic response, "Nini, please take them. if you say you're not pregnant, then these tests will show that you're not."

it happened very quickly. Nini suddenly burst into tears, her head dropping to her hands. Carol moved to sit next to her on the couch, wrapping her arms around her daughter.

she ran her hand through her daughters hair, whispering softly, "it's okay baby girl, you're not in trouble. just tell me the truth."

Nini sniffled and hiccuped a little before wiping her eyes, "i'm sorry mama. i'm pregnant."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now