in my heart is a christmas tree farm

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Summary: After Nini agrees to be Seb's beard for the holidays, they assume it'd be a piece of cake to keep up with their charade. That is until Seb's skeptical cousin begins to get suspicious of their bizarre relationship.

this is a collab with three of my besties, Average_fangirl sofsbowen and ziggyhsmtmts !!! we're so excited for you guys to read this!! it's in honor of the best boys birthday today!!!

"I'll be your date."

Seb just about does a spit-take at his best friend's words, laughing his ass off at her offer.

"Nina, sweetie..." he laughs, the pair of twin flames grinning from ear to ear just at each other's company.

"Sebastian," she giggles, rolling her eyes, "I'm serious! I haven't seen your Grams in a few years, anyway. I still remember the hot chocolate she made us that one time.."

Seb and Nini have been best friends for as long as they can remember. They met when they were assigned seats next to each other and kindergarten and have been attached at the hip since. Nini and Seb are in college now (together, like always), both being seniors at NYU.

The pair were just talking about their holiday plans, specifically the fact that Seb's parents expect him to bring someone along for their holiday plans. A date to be exact.

It all just happened so fast; his family's constant questioning of when he's going to get a girlfriend. Seb couldn't let them get suspicious; he just wasn't ready to reveal to his Evangelical parents that it'll never happen since he had zero interest in any girl in his life being anything more than friends to him. He had panicked, telling his parents (who had migrated from Salt Lake to upstate New York when they inherited a Christmas tree farm) that he did have a girlfriend, and that she'd be joining him to see family for the holidays.

He was screwed.

Or at least he was, until about five seconds ago.
"Wait, really?!" he asked, pleasantly surprised, "You realize you'd be missing out on Christmas with your moms, right? I couldn't make you do that."

Nini shakes her head, "You'd be doing me a favor. They wanna go camping somewhere south for the holiday, " she gags. Seb laughs, he knows his best friend hates anything outdoors. She'd pretend to be anyone's fake date if it meant she didn't have to spend more than a few hours outside.

"You're the best, Neens," he let out a sigh of relief, leaning over to hug her tight. She hugs right back.


So, a few days later, they pack up their things into Seb's car and head off. Seb's entire family lives upstate, including his parents, grandparents, everyone. She had only met some of his family in passing growing up since they were wildly homophobic. Seb had told her to not bring up her parents around them when she visited, so she only had Dana drop her off at his house to avoid suspicion. She stopped coming over in middle school because of it, opting for them to hang out at her place instead, which means she can't recall his family member's personalities anymore. Nini was prepared for a full questioning, dedicated to helping her friend out.

"And my aunt?" Seb says as he drives, quizzing her on her knowledge of his family.

"Lynne, brown hair with chunky highlights. Total bigot, avoid at all costs."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now