grow as we go

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Nini walked the isles of Target quietly, glancing between the shelves and her grocery list in her hand. she pushed the cart down the isle, stopping to grab her shampoo and conditioner as well as Ricky's body wash.

she carried down the isles, stopping every once and a while to look at something. she made her way into the family planning isle after seeing Ricky's horrible handwriting on the bottom of her list, adding 'box of condoms' to it. she glanced over the selection, grabbing the box of the kind she knew he preferred. she threw the box in the cart and turned to leave the isle, stopping when she saw the pregnancy tests next to her. she smirked to herself and grabbed one. it couldn't hurt to take one as a joke and scare her boyfriend.

she went through checkout and packed her reusable bags into the back of her Subaru. there wasn't much traffic on the road since there had hardly been any since the 2002 winter olympics. she pulled into the driveway of her and Ricky's townhouse, spotting his Camry in the driveway, letting her know he was home from work.

she pushed open the front door, bags in her hands as she called out to her boyfriend, "baby! i'm home!"

seconds later, she could hear the hurrying of his feet as he came down the hallway to greet her. he grabbed a few bags, kissing her quickly. he set the bags on the kitchen counter, starting to go through them. Nini quickly remembered what she had purchased and stopped him, "it's okay! i'll take care of them!"

Ricky eyed her, "you sure?"

Nini waved him off as she pushed him away from the bags. he leaned against the counter next to her, "did you see what i put on the list?"

Nini rolled her eyes playfully, digging through the bags for the box he was referring to. she tossed it into his hands, "happy?"

he smirked, coming up to her side, his arms wrapping around her slender figure as he pressed his lips to her temple, "very. how about we crack open this box tonight? huh?"

Nini blushed and pushed him off of her, Ricky patting her on the butt playfully as he walked away. she finished storing the groceries away and moved to put away the personal items. her eyes landed on the blue and pink rectangular box again as she pulled it out. she passed it back and forth between her hands for a moment before heading into their en-suite bathroom. she locked the door behind her as she read the instructions on the box. she was gonna get Ricky good.

Nini set the test down on the bathroom counter, moving to fix something in her bedroom. almost ten minutes had passed before she remembered the stick on the counter. she returned to the bathroom and picked up the stick, preparing to go scare Ricky. she was a great actress after all.

as she picked it up, she noticed the word in the digital bar on the stick. she put it closer to her face in disbelief, "what the fuck?"

she was pregnant? since when?!

Nini felt her heart rate pick up as she stared at the stick. was this some kind of sick joke? did she get a defective one? she couldn't be pregnant, Ricky and her were always safe! they always made sure to use prot-

Nini cut her train of thought as she remembered their date night from last month. they'd gone to a movie and got a little too carried away in the car afterwards. she could've swore he pulled out in time.

she groaned and dropped her head at the situation. she wasn't exactly thrilled at this. she knew she had to tell him, this wasn't something she planned on keeping a secret.

she slowly made her way out of the bathroom, venturing down the hall to the living room where Ricky was sitting, his guitar in his lap. she held the stick tightly in her hand as she approached him.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now