all too well

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Nini was back in Salt Lake for the first time in 4 months. she had moved away to New York, alone. she came back for her mother's birthday. but being back meant she had some business to take care of. she needed her stuff back.

Ricky and she made it work all through college. they even started planning their future together, talking about marriage and children. that was until Nini got offered a role in a new Off-Broadway musical. Ricky told her to go but when Nini mentioned him coming with her, that's when things fell apart. Ricky had gotten a teaching job at the middle school in SLC. he couldn't just uproot his life in the middle of the school year to move across the country with his long time girlfriend. they called it quits on the spot.

that didn't mean they didn't still love each other.

Nini felt like she still belonged to Ricky. one of her new co-stars was interested in her, repeatedly asking her out but she said no every time. something in her couldn't let go of the curly haired boy she loved so much.

she was determined to get her stuff back that she had left at Ricky's apartment. Red had given her his key so that she could go while Ricky was at work so she didn't have to see him. she wasn't sure if she'd be able to walk out the door and go home to New York if she saw him again. that's how much she loved him.

she took a deep breath as she put the key in the lock. the door swung open and Nini stepped inside. it felt like coming home. the place still smelled the way she remembered. things were a little more disorganized than they were when the two had been together. while Nini didn't live in the apartment, she was there almost every night. she looked around as she set the keys and her bag down on the kitchen island. there were clothes thrown over the back of the couch and dishes left out on the counter. Nini scoffed, she knew Ricky could be a slob but she didn't remember him being this bad. she walked into the bedroom and that's when it hit her. they were really over.

they shared so many moments in that apartment. in that room. they were here when Ricky found out he got into grad school, when Nini got accepted into an acting program in New York for a summer, when they decided they were going to get married, when Nini found out she got her dream role. she smiled sadly as she looked around the room, walking in and glancing at the pictures hung up on the walls. the majority of the pictures with the two of them had been taken down, Nini could see where the paint was more vibrant from being under the frames for so long. there were pictures of him and Red, some with the theatre troupe, there was one from the vacation he took with his dad a few years ago to Disney, then there were the ones with his family. those included pictures of family holidays with Nini in them. he didn't have the heart to take them down too.

she sniffled a little to keep the tears at bay as she searched for the box that Red had mentioned was in the room with her stuff in it. she found it on the floor in his closet. one side of the closet was filled with his clothes and the other side was empty, that's where her clothes used to be. she picked up the box and sat it on his bed, sitting down on the edge of the mattress to check and make sure everything was in the box.

there were photos of the two of them, playbills from shows they saw together, the dog tag that Nini had gifted him on opening night for their high school show, the snow globe that she had gotten him last christmas, there were many things in there but she saw the little velvet box on the bottom and lifted it up, already knowing what it was. the promise ring.

they had gotten each other promise rings in their sophomore year of college. people made fun of them but it was special. they knew they wanted to be together forever so they bought promise rings to ensure that they would be together. she just figured he hadn't taken his off, she still wore hers. yet it was sitting in the box of things to be returned to their owner. she glanced down at her right hand and saw the thin silver band sitting on her right ring finger, she had never thought about taking it off. she'd been wearing it since she was 19, she never thought she'd ever take it off. she sighed as she slipped it off, standing up and setting it on his night stand.

"what're you doing here?"

Nini jumped in surprise. she turned around quickly to see Ricky standing in the doorway of his bedroom. he looked different. he didn't look as put together. his curls were messier than normal and he had a slight stubble of facial hair growing.

"i came to get my stuff. Red gave me a key to your place. i was hoping i'd get out of here before you came home. i guess that plan failed."

the two were silent. things had never been this awkward between them. even when they were teenagers and broken up they still weren't this awkward with each other.

"i heard that your show is moving to Broadway. congratulations." Ricky said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Nini smiled slightly, "thank you. it's not a big deal."

"Nini," Ricky deadpanned, "this is what you've wanted your whole life. you've worked so hard for this. you deserve it. hey, maybe you'll get a Tony for it."

Nini chuckled, "yeah that'll be the day."

the two were silent again.

"why is this so hard?" Ricky said after a moment.

Nini answered right away, "because we were in love for so long, it's strange to not be with each other anymore."

Nini grabbed the box and began to walk to the front door. she turned quickly back to him, "do you remember when you used to tell me that i could do anything whether or not you were with me?"

"i remember that all too well." he smiled sadly.

"you'll move on eventually Ricky. you can do anything without me too. i know some day you'll make a girl very happy. you made me happy for 16 years whether you were my best friend or my boyfriend."

"i'll always love you Nini. you'll always be my very first love. i don't think i'll ever be able to love someone else the way i love you." he had tears in those beautiful eyes of his.

Nini held back her own tears, "i'll always love you too Ricky. time just wasn't on our side. maybe in another life. you'll always be my greatest adventure. my first love. nobody will ever compare to you."

Nini set the box down on the counter as she approached the boy-now man. she slowly pulled him in for an embrace. when they separated she kissed him slowly on the cheek.

"i love you Nini." he said quietly.

"i know. i love you too." she separated from the embrace. she grabbed the box along with her bag and keys, opening the door and looking at the apartment one last time.

she glanced into his eyes and saw the tears brimming. she knew her eyes were the same. they bid a silent goodbye as she closed the door. she walked down the hallway, silent tears flowing down her face.

some would call that closure; Nini preferred the term heartbreak.

not gonna lie when i say i cried a little writing this one. i've been on an old taylor swift song kick lately and this came on earlier and o got inspired to write a breakup fic for our rini. while it's pretty sad i think it's also very much them. ugh i made myself sad with this one, i don't blame you if you didn't like it! comment and star this!! thanks for reading!!☺️

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now